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Think Baby Boomers Are Retiring? Think Again

When it comes to generations in the workplace, a lot of focus has been on the Millennial and Gen Z age groups. Sure, they’re young and are taking up a majority of the workforce, but that doesn’t mean you should discount Baby Boomers and Gen X workers.


How People Analytics Can Help Construct a Winning and Collaborative Workplace

Most of us spend 40 or more hours each week at work. In the Knowledge Economy, with its digital nature, our work and daily lives tend to converge. It’s a yin and yang scenario, one most employees appreciate in order to make work-life balance manifest.


Addressing Employee Procrastination

The workforce is full of people with diverse working styles. Some are seemingly obsessed with getting ahead of the game and tackling assignments as soon as possible. Others tend to wait until the last minute.

Strangers at the table: Employers may need to accept observers in collective bargaining

by David McDonald In Canada, collective agreements are generally accessible to the public. Canadian jurisdictions provide mechanisms to file collective agreements with government authorities, and it is not uncommon for the union or the employer to post their agreement on the web. However, the process of bargaining itself is private and typically carefully guarded by […]

45% of Companies Do Not Have a Written Strategy for Recognition Programs

According to the latest Trends in Employee Recognition report released by WorldatWork, 75% of the 600+ professionals surveyed believe that their recognition programs are successful, but only 45% have a written strategy for their recognition programs. Only 14% say that their organizations trains managers on recognition practices. This, says Strategic Consultant and blogger Derek Irvine, […]


Using Status Reports for Project Management

Managers are very busy individuals. Not only do they need to manage their staff but they are also often involved in strategic initiatives with their own management. This means it can be difficult for them to stay on top of all of the activities their staff are engaged in at a detailed level.

Market Pricing? Seven Steps Will Get You There

Market pricing is critical for most every organization, says consultant Michael Strand. Without it, you’re likely to underpay (and lose your best workers) or overpay (and lose your profitability). Strand, owner of consultancy HR Dynamics Inc., offered his seven steps to successful market pricing at a recent webinar hosted by BLR/HRhero. 1. Identify Positions to […]

8 Proactive Steps to Stop Bullying

Special from SHRM’s Legal and Legislative Conference 8 Proactive Steps to Stop Bullying In yesterday’s Advisor, we featured attorney Allison West’s take on bullying in the workplace. Today, her guidance for dealing with the bully, plus an introduction to the all-HR-in-one-place website, West, who is principal at Employee Practices Specialists in Pacifica, CA, delivered […]