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Toxic Positivity

Can positivity really be “toxic”? Isn’t toxic positivity a bit of an oxymoron? Not if you ask some employees. Lighten Up on The Lightness Years ago, the stereotypical boss was a strict authoritarian, quick to yell and criticize. Partially as a negative reaction to this management style, Corporate America developed a business dialect of sanitized, […]

‘Boomer, I Want Your Job!’ (But Not Your Stress)

The generations below the Boomers are ready and eager to move up to the Boomers’ jobs, but the Boomers aren’t leaving (because their 401(k)s are now 201(k)s, says consultant Shira Harrington. The problem is compounded, Harrington says, because although Gen Xers do want to move up to the Boomers’ jobs, they don’t want the stress […]

How to Increase Employee Engagement Efficiently and Effectively

When a company has high employee engagement, it means its people are committed to the company’s values, goals, and work. In other words, engaged employees are involved and show up not because they get paid but because they are emotionally invested in the company. An organization that encourages and supports employee engagement will therefore generally […]

Are Remote Workers Costing You Your Business?

As businesses continue to adapt to and change with the times, one working arrangement is standing out among workers and employers: remote work. This popular way to work has many benefits for both parties involved, but it also comes with risks.

Struggling to Fill Open Positions? Here’s How a Recruiting Firm Can Help

Unemployment is the lowest it’s been in years, meaning the job market has shifted in the applicant’s favor. As a result, companies are now struggling to fill open positions, regardless of industry, regardless of role. Although they’ll likely receive initial interest from many qualified applicants, it’s become increasingly more difficult for organizations to win over […]

Profit-Sharing Primer—the 3 Types of Plans

Advantages Funded from profits, so there is low risk for the company. Can be used to supplement company retirement contributions. Can be linked to company objectives other than profit. Provide an opportunity to train employees on financial measures and the operational business factors that affect those measures. Easy to integrate with suggestion plans and other […]

Managing Security in the Age of ‘The Big Quit’

COVID-19 has changed work more than any event in modern history. At the onset of 2020, unemployment was at an all-time high, as businesses were forced to trim their teams or, in more extreme cases, shutter entirely. Now, nearly 2 years later, we’re facing another form of unemployment, but this time, it’s employees in the […]