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How HR Leaders Can Use Technology to Better Navigate the Hybrid Workplace

HR leaders are facing a new type of workplace: a hybrid environment where employees work both in the office and remotely. This forces HR leaders to adapt to maintain cohesive teams. It’s not always clear how to deal with this changing landscape, leaving many leaders frustrated because all technology seems to do is make their […]


What Is the Strengthening Financial Security Through Short-Term Savings Accounts Act of 2018?

The Strengthening Financial Security Through Short-Term Savings Accounts Act of 2018 is a bill introduced in the Senate in July 2018 (S. 3218). It proposes, in short, to “allow employers to offer short-term savings accounts with automatic contribution arrangements for financial emergencies.”[i] This bill has only been introduced; it has been referred to committee, and […]

Safety Culture Checklist: 6 Keys to Success

By Emily Scace Many organizations want to improve their safety culture in order to reduce injury rates, save money, and increase productivity. But how does a company begin to foster a culture of safety? The following are a just few key areas that go a long way toward establishing a positive safety culture in an […]

New Employee Orientation: How to Do It Right

Future job performance and retention start with the very first day on the job, say two HR experts. Here’s how to make that day, and what follows, worthwhile. Remember your first day on the job? A bit terrifying, wasn’t it? Even if you came from a similar position, there were new people to meet, new […]


Leveraging Lunch and Learns to Boost Analytics Skills

“Data, data everywhere and not a thought to think” is a quote that has been attributed to John Allen Paulos, a professor of mathematics at Temple University. It’s a sentiment that is increasingly apt. We are surrounded by data of all kinds these days—so much data that making sense of them can be increasingly difficult.