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Getting the scoop: The value of exit interviews

Depending on your vantage point, exit interviews can be an effective way to get information that will improve the workplace, or they’re a waste of time that some employees resent. The idea behind exit interviews is to help employers understand why employees leave so that the employer can make improvements to reduce turnover and boost […]

Zoo Inspires a New Way to Commute

This summer, I had the chance to visit the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, D.C. There were many highlights, from the elephants to the pandas, but one thing that stuck out to me (and especially my 3-year-old niece), was the Orangutan Transit System, also called the “O-line.” It can be roughly described as two cables, […]

Think There Are No Laws Against Bullying?

Special from SHRM’s Legal and Legislative Conference It’s true that there are no anti-bullying laws in the US, but that doesn’t mean that bullying can’t be the basis of a lawsuit, says attorney Allison West SPHR. West, who is principal, Employee Practices Specialists in Pacifica, CA delivered her suggestions for dealing with bullying in the […]


Welcoming Transgender Individuals in the Workplace

Recently, President Trump sought to ban transgender individuals from serving in the military via a series of tweets that included reference to “the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.” So far, the ban doesn’t appear to be taking place, but it has raised concerns among transgender people everywhere.

An I-9 Compliance Checklist

When the government cracks down, as it has been doing over I-9 forms and immigration procedures, it’s vital to ensure that your processes are correct. This checklist can help.

Thinking Differently About Incentivizing High Performance

The traditional employment relationship is a relatively straightforward exchange between employee and employer whereby an employee provides labor in exchange for money and benefits—health insurance, paid leave, etc. An employee’s incentive to do adequate work is the desire to keep his or her job; fail to meet expectations on an ongoing basis, and sooner or […]


Is it Against the Law to Target Job Ads at Younger Workers?

One of the primary functions of a Human Resources department is to be aware of and ensure compliance with a wide range of laws and regulations involving workplace conduct, such as sexual harassment and various forms of discrimination.