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The Cons of Required Drug Testing

Yesterday we looked at the pros of required drug testing at your organization. Today we’ll look at the cons.


4 Myths About HR, Debunked

Human Resources (HR) departments don’t always have a positive reputation. In fact, many employees hate them or avoid them at all costs and only view them as an occasional intermediary.


10 Things Every Employer Needs to Do Before Reopening

It’s just a matter of time before organizations start opening their doors to employees and customers again. The way they reopen, however, can make all the difference between a safe and an unsafe workplace. The National Safety Council in concert with the Safe Actions for Employee Returns (SAFER) task force have identified 10 universal actions […]

How Layoffs Impact the PERM Process: Employer Considerations

While businesses typically take extensive steps to avoid layoffs, they’re unfortunately part of the business life cycle. As the United States has had a recent uptick in layoffs across various industries, employers should be aware of the potential impact to their permanent residence (green card) immigration programs.  The PERM (or labor certification) application is one […]

Compliance in the Pandemic

For the past few years, COVID-19 has been a constant stressor. For businesses, there is some uncertainty around how to best handle the pandemic from a legal standpoint.

solar eclipse

Will the Solar Eclipse Disrupt Your Workplace?

On Monday August 21, 2017, in the middle of the workday, millions of people will abandon their jobs to gaze up at the skies and experience what might well be a once-in-a-lifetime event: a total eclipse of the sun. For those on the ground along an approximately 70-mile-wide path from Oregon to North Carolina, the […]

Why your company needs an antibullying policy

by Joe Godwin Bullying in the workplace is a common occurrence that’s often ignored or overlooked by management. Sometimes it may be ignored because, unlike sexual harassment, there’s usually no legal requirement that an organization have an antibullying policy. It also may be overlooked because leaders take a hands-off approach, believing employees should work out […]


Trump’s DOL Will Address Overtime Rule by May 1

The federal government has been granted more time to figure out what to do about overtime regulations that remain in judicial limbo. A federal appeals court on February 22 granted the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) its second extension in the proceedings, giving it until May 1 to take a position.

PTO Plans vs. Traditional: Plusses and Pitfalls

Absences, like terminations, can be voluntary or involuntary; however, unlike terminations the distinction between voluntary and involuntary absences is not typically determined by who initiates the absence, says Hagan, who is a partner in the Dallas office of Sarles & Ouimet, LLP. He made his suggestions at a recent BLR webinar. Involuntary absences are employee […]