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What Is Reboarding?

Reboarding is the concept of bringing individuals back who were previous employees but away for some period of time. The idea is to modify onboarding for someone who is already familiar with your company but has been away. Reboarding is a big topic right now due to the thousands of employees being brought back to […]

How Employee Engagement and Customer Loyalty Go Hand in Hand

It is far easier and less costly to generate more business from an existing client than it is to draw in a new customer. But you can only capitalize on your existing clients if you develop the all-important customer loyalty. Your employees are pivotal to this process.


Generational Differences Offer Unique Opportunities for Employers

Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zs, oh my! The workplace has become a “melting pot” of diverse workers from all different age groups, and though some may fear a disconnect among workers, new research finds this is not the case.

Workers’ Compensation: Q&A on Return to Work Scenarios

Returning employees to work after an injury can raise questions from both the employee and the employer. Must you keep someone on staff who is restricted to part-time hours (when the position needs to be full-time)? If an employee comes back to work without restrictions but still requests a reduced time schedule, how should you […]


Why Caring for Your People Is the Most Important Business Decision You Can Make Right Now

The coronavirus has rocked our world in just about every way imaginable. Four billion people on the planet are in some form of lockdown. Everyone is trying to adapt and make the best of a terrible situation. On the business front, entire sectors of the economy have ground to a halt, while the industries still […]


HR Departments Are Losing Trust—Here’s Why

In theory, a company’s HR department seems to many like a logical resource for employees dealing with stressful situations or ethical dilemmas involving coworkers or superiors; a confidant for employees looking for a neutral, or even supporting, arm of the organization to act as their supporter, advocate, and protector.

HR and Employment Trends for 2015

Sometimes trends catch us by surprise, especially if they’re brought on by market forces outside of our control. However, some trends we can see coming, and we can choose whether to embrace them, react to them, or ignore them. Let’s take a look at some of the HR and employment trends for 2015.

Ask the Expert: Can We Force Sick Employee to Take Unpaid Leave?

Our non-exempt employee has no sick or vacation days left and has accrued absentee attendance points close to termination. Because of this, the same employee is coming into work while sick. We don’t want the health of other employees to be at risk because of his/her presence. Can an employer force a sick employee to […]

A Handy Handout for Diversity Training

Effective diversity training will train employees on the following goals: Recognize the impact of workplace diversity. Understand its benefits and challenges. Create varied, yet cohesive, work teams. Here’s a brief handout that outlines why diversity is important in the workplace—and how to make it work. 10 Ways to Maximize the Benefits of Workplace Diversity Respect […]

Best Practices for Dress Code Policies

Despite the fact that there are no federal laws outlining what employer dress code policies can and cannot do, there are still plenty of ways dress codes can get employers in legal trouble. Legal challenges to dress codes are often based on allegations of gender bias, religious bias, race/national origin bias, or disability bias. To […]