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Timekeeping—If It’s So Simple, Why So Many Lawsuits?

In yesterday’s Advisor, we offered tips for managing the basics of HR legal issues. Today, the rest of the tips and an introduction to a program specially designed for smaller or even one-person HR departments. Once again, a tip of the Advisor hat to attorneys John K. Skousen and Christopher J. Boman, partners at the […]

With Age Comes Expertise: How to Keep Older Employees on the Job

In the 2015 film, The Intern, Robert De Niro plays an 80-year-old widower who discovers that he’s bored with retirement and becomes a senior intern at an online fashion site. In true Hollywood fashion, he becomes the hero of the day and rescues the company’s thirtysomething founder, both in terms of her professional and personal […]

Break Your Training Transfer Barriers!

Every employer wants its training to stick. After all, what’s the use of training if employees aren’t able to apply the skills that they’ve learned on the job? However, training transfer isn’t a given. So, what are the most common barriers to training transfer, and how can they be avoided?

Do You Know How To Create Effective Training Videos?

Whether it is for job-specific training, benefits enrollment, or communicating company culture, efficient onboarding is an essential part of every organization’s learning and development activities. For many businesses, onboarding also presents a unique challenge: How do you deliver time-sensitive training, tailored to a specific role, and to a small audience that may be remotely located […]

Mose Gets A Raise!

Hopefully, the folks at Dunder Mifflin took note of today’s mandated minimum wage increase required under the Fair Minimum Wage Act passed in 2007. As of today, the minimum wage is $6.55; next year, the official federal minimum wage will be increased to $7.25 per hour. While it’s unlikely that this will affect the wages […]

Train Managers to Resist Retaliation

How can you keep your managers out of the retaliation danger zone? First of all, they have to recognize the danger zone (go here for yesterday’s danger zone list), and then they need to know to contact HR before taking action. Keeping Managers Out of the Danger Zone Are you in the danger zone? If […]

U.S. Supreme Court puts transgender bathroom case on hold

by Rachael L. Loughlin The case of the Gloucester County, Virginia, transgender high-school student fighting to use the restroom that matches his gender identity has been making its way through the federal court system for more than a year. Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in on the matter, adding yet another twist to the high-profile […]