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Lawsuit Avoidance Rule #1—Reject Troublemakers Up Front

The best and easiest way to avoid employee lawsuits is—duh—don’t hire troublemakers. But that’s easier said than done. First, there’s the positive side—hire people that fit, that are well-qualified, and that will be happy in their jobs. “Happy people don’t sue,” one expert says. And there’s the other side of the coin—avoiding the troublemakers who […]

Wage and Hour: BMW to Pay for Donning and Doffing Time

Luxury automaker BMW has agreed to pay $629,000 in overtime back wages to workers at the company’s plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina, to settle a U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) lawsuit alleging the company violated federal wage and hour law. The settlement, which will be shared by 1,224 workers, covers the period from April 2003 […]

Boosting Participation in Online Learning

Online courses can be a great tool for employers. Not only can they accommodate far more employees than traditional, in-person courses that are limited by the size of the room; they also facilitate the ability to include employees from around the country or around the world.

Social Media Sourcing? These Secrets Save Time and Money

Just for example, says Dingee, do an advanced search on LinkedIn, say, for an HR manager near ZIP 06475 in banking. Here’s the search: Dingee’s tips came at the Advanced Employment Issues Symposium in Las Vegas. (Info on this years’ symposium here.) Here are some of the results: Dingee recommends paying for enhanced service from […]

What is Programmatic Recruiting?

Have you heard of programmatic recruiting? In essence, programmatic recruiting is the idea of taking the recruiting process and optimizing it through technology. It emphasizes using technological means—rather than using people—to improve efficiencies in the recruiting process. More of the process becomes automated, using data to make decisions.


A Cautionary Tale Regarding the ‘Reasonable Belief’ Doctrine

On January 31, the Sixth Circuit published a cautionary tale regarding the “reasonable belief” doctrine involving an employer that fired a disabled employee for a positive drug test for “marijuana.” Airgas USA Sued for Disability Discrimination Over Employee’s Hemp Use In Fisher v. Airgas USA, LLC, Fisher was an operation technician who used power tools, worked […]

Getting Ahead of the Safety Curve—Addressing Active Threats

In Yesterday’s Advisor security expert Jay Hart provided advice for employers on building an effective “active threat” plan. Today we present more tips from Hart on these important preparations that every workplace must consider. Hart, director of Force Training Institute, leads a team of first responders and antiterrorism, cybersecurity, defensive tactics, and crisis management specialists […]

Sexual Harassment: Court Says Foreign Hotel Room Can Be Work Environment; Steps To Prevent On-The-Road Harassment

Suppose an employee complains that a co-worker sexually harassed her while traveling on business during off-duty hours. Can you be held liable for the alleged misconduct? In a recent case, a federal appeals court ruled that an employee who was allegedly raped by a co-worker in a Rome hotel could sue her employer. We”ll tell […]

An Overlooked Talent Pool

As employers struggle to find candidates for open positions, a new series of public service announcements (PSAs) encourages companies to consider “opportunity youth”: unemployed young adults between the ages of 16 and 24.

Train Employees to Cope with the Aftermath of Workplace Violence

The material in today’s Advisor is adapted from BLR’s 10-Minute HR Trainer session, “Coping with the Aftermath of Workplace Violence.” Review Security Procedures Review security procedures and equipment (surveillance cameras, silent alarms, etc.). Discuss any changes made as a result of the incident. If there was a breach of security that allowed the perpetrator into […]