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Take Time to Recognize Accomplishments In 2017

I’ve said before on these pages that I don’t do a great job of celebrating our company’s successes. It seems that as we achieve a goal, I immediately look to the next opportunity or focus on a problem area that needs attention when I should be recognizing and congratulating everyone involved in our success.

7-point checklist for avoiding retaliation claims in California

Most employers know that retaliation is prohibited under Title VII at the federal level for employees who have engaged in protected activities. California employers also have to stay in compliance with employee retaliation protections under FEHA. Unsurprisingly, the standards applied in California differ from those applied at the federal level.


Lululemon Expands Full Paid Parental Leave

Having children is a momentous occasion for anyone and often means big changes in one’s personal life. But for those of us in the working world, our personal lives are often inexorably intertwined with our work lives.

Train Managers to Identify Workplace Bullying

Throughout our lives, many of us have experienced some form of bullying—whether on a playground or in a locker room, a cafeteria, or a childhood neighborhood. But, while many of us assume that bullying is something that is a part of childhood and adolescence, left behind when we transition into adulthood, the fact is that […]

Happy Hour with Dunder Mifflin

Litigation Value: < $10,000 to settle the claims from Kevin’s inappropriate behavior; $50,000 in attorneys’ fees to deal with the ICE investigation for hiring an undocumented worker; potential untold damages for negligent hiring and retention if the friendly former surgeon later hurts someone like he did at his last employer. This week, Oscar wants to spend more […]

When Employees Come Armed with Data About Dollars

Of course, it may be that your compensation program is flawed, but it’s more likely that the survey the employee is referencing is flawed or inappropriate, says Brown of Effective Resources, Inc., who delivered his tips at a recent BLR-sponsored webinar. It may be a bad survey that just wasn’t done well, or it may […]