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Pay Parity Leads to a Better Workplace Culture, Finds New Survey

As we know, jobseekers are looking to work for companies that offer a positive workplace culture, or one that aligns with the jobseekers’ beliefs. For companies that offer employees equal pay, it helps boost the overall brand and can result in a better workplace culture.

Prohibited employer actions under ADA/FEHA

Ensuring that disabled employees are not discriminated against is one of the goals of both the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California’s Fair Housing and Employment Act (FEHA). This goal is accomplished through not only defining what it means to be disabled and what must be done to accommodate those with disabilities, but also through specifically outlining the actions that employers cannot take without violating the law.

How Effective Is Your Succession Planning?

Do you have a plan in place today to identify and train the people who will lead your organization tomorrow? In today’s Advisor, we get expert advice on how to plan for your organization’s continued success.

Reasonable Accommodations: Deaf Employee Who Was Turned Down For Driver Job Can Sue; Defenses To Accommodation Claims

Under federal Department of Transportation rules, professional drivers who operate vehicles weighing more than 10,000 pounds must be DOT certified. United Parcel Service had a policy of only hiring individuals for driving positions who had this certification. Based on this rule, UPS turned down an employee who couldn’t meet DOT standards because she was deaf. […]

Benefits: U.S. Supreme Court Says Owners Possess Rights As Participants In ERISA Pension Plans

Many small-business owners both administer and participate in pension plans covered by the Employee Retirement and Income Security Act (ERISA). But the courts have been split as to whether business owners qualify as participants under ERISA and are entitled to the same legal protections as employees, including protection from creditors in the event of bankruptcy. […]

Impractical Jokes

Time magazine is running a feature about The Office and NBC’s invitation for viewers to send in photos of hijinks in their own workspaces, like those often featured on the show. Some of the pranks featured on the show have been hilarious. From simple things like Jim enveloping Dwight’s stapler in Jello, to more complicated things like […]

Recruiting En Masse

Yesterday we heard from Rebecca Barnes-Hogg of YOLO Insights on the topic of mass recruiting. Today, she answers a few questions.

Have You Been Trained to Seek Out Extroverts?

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking is Cain’s most recent book (Crown, 2012). In it, she describes the rise of extroverts, in what she calls “the culture of personality.” She refers to earlier examples, like Dale Carnegie, but her most compelling example is the Harvard Business School (HBS), where, […]

Don’t Be Pushy! More Sales Training Tips

By Maura Schreier-Fleming In yesterday’s Advisor, sales consultant Maura Schreier-Fleming reviewed four common sales mistakes and how to use proper training to avoid them. Today Schreier-Fleming discusses three more preventable sales mistakes.