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Today’s Generation is Changing Employee Benefit Packages of the Future

I try not to use the “Millennial” label. It feels wrong to generalize about groups that include millions of people and I can’t help but detect some age discrimination, even if subtle or unintentional, in pronouncements about behavioral differences in various age groups. Evolution took hundreds of thousands of years; I don’t think we’ve drastically […]

Jussie Smollett’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Salary Negotiation

Did anyone else watch On Our Own, the 1994 TV series in which six real-life siblings co-starred and were raised by their eldest brother (who posed, Madea-style, as their long-lost Aunt Jelcinda and was apparently not one of the real-life siblings) after the death of their parents? I remember this series, not for the tearjerker […]


How the NLRB’s Recent Decisions Can Affect All Employers

Decisions by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) are often thought of in the context of unions, but the NLRB’s decisions can affect all employers because of the federal law it enforces. Recently, the NLRB issued several decisions that reversed or significantly changed its stance on employer policies and work rules, the makeup of bargaining […]

Workers and grief: What HR needs to consider when employees suffer loss

Knowing what to do when someone suffers the loss of a loved one isn’t easy, especially in the workplace, where some people are open about personal relationships and others strive for separation between their work and personal lives. But no matter an employee’s thinking, certain situations—particularly a death in the family—make explanations at work necessary. […]

14 qualities and attributes of great leaders

by Dan Oswald Marvin Bower joined McKinsey & Company in 1933 and served as the management consulting firm’s managing partner from 1950 to 1967. In 1997, he published a book titled The Will to Lead: Running a Business with a Network of Leaders, in which he shares his perspectives on leadership. One of Bower’s beliefs […]


Layoff, Furlough Notices Not to Be Forgotten During COVID-19 Crisis

Just a few weeks ago, employers nationwide were struggling to fill positions during a time of record-low unemployment. But seemingly in the blink of an eye, the economic news has turned to temporary shutdowns, mass layoffs, and talk of a recession that could put some employers out of business permanently.


When Background Screening Goes Astray, Employers Face Severe Penalties

Nowadays, most companies conduct background checks as a condition of employment for prospective hires. Background checks aren’t just a necessary part of the hiring process—they also help companies reduce hiring risks by identifying individuals with a criminal history and verifying education and employment history.

BYOD Pros and Cons

Are you familiar with the idea of BYOD? If you’re not, it stands for bring your own device—a policy in which employees of an organization utilize their own existing personal devices, like smart phones, for business use. Many organizations today are already utilizing such a policy for their employees.

Tax Bill Affects Numerous Fringe Benefits

The massive tax overhaul recently enacted by Congress includes provisions that affect a variety of fringe benefits, along with other aspects of employee benefits and compensation.