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Family and Medical Leave: What Do We Do with an Employee Who Doesn’t Have Enough Hours for FMLA Leave but Might by the Start of the Leave?

You’d think we’d have the FMLA figured out by now, but we have two issues that we don’t know how to address. One employee has requested leave, but she hasn’t yet worked 1,250 hours and hasn’t been employed by us for 12 months. However, by the time the requested leave would begin, she would have […]


Why Storytelling Is So Important to Your Employer Brand

Have you ever watched a movie and felt your heart racing or had to wipe tears from the corners of your eyes? Have you ever listened to your friend tell a joke and laughed out loud or gotten goose bumps from the recounting of a spooky coincidence?

9 Secrets For Coordinating Leave Under the FMLA and ADA

By Peter Susser, Esq. HR professionals may often see the following scenario: An employee is granted FMLA leave to treat a serious health condition that poses long-term restrictions and limitations; 12 weeks pass; the employee fails to return to work; company terminates employee under a “no-fault” absence policy.  The employer granted the full 12 weeks […]

Bonuses and Gift Cards—Probably Taxable

Tax Consequences of Bonuses Bonuses paid in consideration for services rendered are almost always taxable wages subject to income tax withholding, FICA, and FUTA. These include production, incentive, and nondeferred profit sharing bonuses. The Internal Revenue Service has also ruled that bonuses paid to employees for signing or ratifying an employment contract are considered wages […]

Allowing Remote Work: What NOT to Do

As more and more indications are found that employees value the opportunity for flexible scheduling and remote work, employers are finding the need to handle these benefits effectively. While some employers have allowed remote work for years, others are new to the game and finding that there are a lot of potential pitfalls to avoid.

7 Tips for Raising the Expectations–and Productivity–of Your Team Members

As we saw in Yesterday’s Advisor, when managers have high expectations for their employees and when employees have high expectations for themselves, great things—like high productivity and increased retention—can happen. Here are some tips to build those expectations. Top consultant Susan M. Heathfield, who serves as HR expert for the website, suggests the following […]


Strategic Planning in A Rapidly Changing World

In a time where disruption is around every corner, businesses and organizations need to be especially aware of how changes in technology, consumer preferences, and globalization affects their ability to be successful.


Most Needed Skills for 2019: Hard Skills

In a previous post, we discussed Paul Petrone’s recent LinkedIn research, which focused on the skills companies need most in 2019. He splits them into two categories; soft skills and hard skills.