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New Law Addresses Mental Health Coverage Parity

Among the add-ons to the $700 billion financial rescue package that Congress recently passed was a measure that will affect many employers whose health plans offer mental health benefits. The Paul Wellstone-Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 builds on and closes employer-friendly loopholes in the limited mental health parity measure […]

Workplace Fatalities Drop in California

Over the past several years, the number of workplace fatalities in California has been on a steady decline, and 2004 was no exception. The Division of Labor Statistics and Research has released data showing that last year, 416 of California’s 17,552,000 workers were fatally injured on the job, down from 456 out of 16,283,000 workers […]

Blogs, Rants, and Tweets: Can You Stop Them?

In yesterday’s Advisor, we featured attorney Joseph Beachboard’s tips for employers doing background checks using social websites. Today, we move on to his specific recommendations and introduce an audio conference on controlling blogs and other Internet challenges. Beachboard’s comments came at the recent SHRM Annual Convention and Exposition in New Orleans. He is a shareholder […]

Tip Eight: Transfer the Employee

–Transfer the employee to a position where absences are less disruptive. The law permits this, as long as pay and benefits remain equivalent to the previous job. Go to Tip Nine

Tips for Engaged Older Workers

Recently we began to explore ways to keep older workers engaged so they are more likely to stay at your company. Today we’ll explore a few more tips for keeping them engaged, including reduced schedules, additional training, and reducing age discrimination.

Blogged Out of a Job!

Can employees diss your company on the Internet and get away with it? In a growing number of cases, the answer is No. Last December, Time Magazine named as its Person of the Year—a title usually reserved for world leaders and Nobel Prize winners—“You.” They even attached a mirror to the magazine so that “You” […]

Americans With Disabilities Act: Supreme Court Ruling Means Even More Employees May Now Be Entitled To Protection

HIV-positive individuals are covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act even if they don’t yet have any AIDS symptoms, according to a new U.S. Supreme Court ruling. The court’s reasoning could have broad consequences in the workplace because it may open the door to legal protection for employees whose conditions aren’t necessarily disabling, such as […]

Supreme Court to Decide Key Employment Issues in 2010

Before each term, the U.S. Supreme Court identifies the cases it will hear in that term. While the Court has identified only three cases directly involving claims under various federal labor and employment statutes, in an additional four cases, the Court’s decisions are likely to have a significant effect on the rights and practices of […]