
Hiring 101 Part 5 – Conducting Legal Interviews

In this video, Recruiting Daily Advisor Editor Stephen Bruce talks about conducting a meaningful, legal interview. It is important to spend time planning for your interview. Steve Bruce covers important questions to keep in mind.

Hiring 101 Part 7 – Asking Effective Interview Questions

In this video, Recruiting Daily Advisor Editor Stephen Bruce talks about conducting meaningful, legal interviews. One of the basic skills of interviewing is the ability to ask effective questions. The guidelines in this video will help you to frame your questions in ways that bring out revealing answers.

Hiring 101 Part 8 – Interview Outline

In this video, Recruiting Daily Advisor Editor Stephen Bruce provides an outline for an effective interview. These talking points will help you get the information you need while at the same time making the most efficient use of your time.

Hiring 101 Part 9 – Interviewing People with Disabilities

In this video, Recruiting Daily Advisor Editor Stephen Bruce talks about the special rules for interviewing people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act has spelled out rather strict guidelines for interviews, which you should follow carefully.

Hiring 101 Part 10 – Reference Checks

Reference checks and other background checks are important for verifying information and impressions from the interview, and for insuring that you are aware of any serious problems in the candidate’s past. In this video, Recruiting Daily Advisor Editor Stephen Bruce talks about how to conduct meaningful reference checks.

Hiring 101 Part 11 – Making the Offer

If you have already conducted interviews and performed reference checks, it’s time to choose. In the last video in the Hiring 101 Series, Steve Bruce explains how to select the best candidate and make an offer that can’t be refused.