Tag: AI

Amazon Go Stores Show Future of Automation

Fears of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation taking people’s jobs are increasingly common as new technologies emerge that seem to make many aspects of certain jobs—especially routine, low-skilled labor jobs—potentially obsolete. We’ve written a lot about how these fears are often overblown.


3 Best Practices for Using Deep Learning AI

Yesterday’s post detailed what deep-learning artificial intelligence (AI) is, as well as its benefits and drawbacks for learning and development (L&D) professionals. Today’s post will cover more information about how you can implement deep-learning AI and upcoming trends.


The Pros and Cons of Implementing Deep-Learning AI

The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for global sending via artificial intelligence (AI) will be 50.1%, reaching $57.6 billion by 2021. And the three most in-demand AI-related skills are currently machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. Additionally, the deep learning market, which is a subset of […]

Is AI Recruiting Discrimination Inevitable?

In yesterday’s post, we discussed the idea that using artificial intelligence (AI) or big data in the recruiting process doesn’t eliminate problems with discrimination and bias. Perhaps counter-intuitively, these methods can actually emphasize bias if we’re not careful because the machine doesn’t know any better. It can only assess the (often imperfect) traits it is told to […]

The Amazon Example: Can AI Discriminate?

Instinctively, it would seem that using a machine, data, or artificial intelligence (AI) to review job applicants would create a process that is fairer by default.

How Your HR Department Can Develop an Ethical Stance on AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace is rapidly progressing from fantasy to a pervasive reality impacting the entire employee journey, from hire to retire. It’s an exciting time for our industry, with great opportunities ahead. However, I also believe that our industry should not breathlessly rush to deploy ever more powerful yet poorly understood capabilities […]


3 Career Fields Robots Can’t Replace

Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) have proven to be useful to recruiters and hiring managers, who were early adopters of the technology. While many fear that this technology will eventually replace human jobs, there are just some roles that require that specific human touch.


How AI Supports Workforce Modernization and Standardization Initiatives

The inclusion of artificial intelligence in workforce modernization creates a reality where organizations are tracking their workforce’s actions with greater accuracy and detail. How valuable are these efforts? How do improvements in tracking impact the employee?  Today we are joined by Lakshmi Raj, Co-Founder & Co-CEO of Replicon, a software company providing cloud time tracking […]


Amazon Go Stores Show Future of Automation

Fears of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation taking people’s jobs are increasingly common as new technologies emerge that seem to make many aspects of certain jobs—especially routine, low-skilled labor jobs—potentially obsolete. We’ve written a lot about how these fears are often overblown.

Is AI Recruiting Discrimination Inevitable?

In yesterday’s Advisor, we discussed the idea that using artificial intelligence (AI) or big data in the recruiting process doesn’t eliminate problems with discrimination and bias. Perhaps counter intuitively, these methods can actually emphasize bias if we’re not careful, because the machine doesn’t know any better. It can only assess the (often imperfect) traits it […]