Tag: AI


6 Best Practices for Managing L&D Content in 2019

As a learning and development (L&D) professional, you probably already know how critical high-quality and personalized content will be to your L&D strategies and approaches in 2019 and beyond. And to get high-quality and personalized content for your learners, you’ll want to follow the best practices outlined below for managing your L&D content.  

Efficiency is Critical for Recruiting Success in 2019

As we go deeper into 2019, employers across the country are turning to technology to help fill vacant roles, speed up the hiring process, and offer candidates and employees an experience they’ll never forget. Hiring intentions continue to remain steady and because of this, more employers are now realizing that efficiency is the key to […]

AI Not Living Up to Promise of Less-Biased Recruiting

One of the factors often cited as contributing to racial and gender disparities in the workplace is discrimination in the hiring process. This could come in the form of explicit discrimination against women or people of color by a hiring manager.

Sky-Not: AI’s Future in the Workplace

Artificial intelligence (AI) is here, and it’s here to stay. In fact, President Donald Trump recently signed an Executive Order that encouraged federal agencies to invest in research and development in AI, an area in which businesses have been leading the way.


AI Not Living Up to Promise of Less-Biased Recruiting

One of the factors often cited as contributing to racial and gender disparities in the workplace is discrimination in the hiring process. This could come in the form of explicit discrimination against women or people of color by a hiring manager.


The Apps and Services Replacing HR for Leery Employees

In a previous post, we discussed how Danny Crichton attempts to explain the reasons behind a growing level of distrust in employers and their HR departments. “Just as concerns about sexual harassment and other issues has intensified, trust in human resources, and really, the entire executive teams of companies, is reaching a nadir,” he says.

4 Ways to Make Your Company ‘Future-Fit’

According to an old Chinese proverb: “A wise man adapts himself to circumstances, as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it.” And to put it less eloquently—as Business Author Alan Deutschman once said—”Change or die.” As technology continues to advance and improve our daily lives, companies that don’t adapt to the changing times will […]


The Most Needed Skills for 2019: Soft Skills

The beginning of a new year is a natural time to look at self-improvement and set goals for the coming year. For professionals, that often involves focusing on improving professional skills. But, according to LinkedIn® data, there are over 50,000 professional skills out there. Obviously, that’s far too many for any one person to absorb. […]

AI Not Living Up to Promise of Less-Biased Recruiting

One of the factors often cited as contributing to racial and gender disparities in the workplace is discrimination in the hiring process. This could come in the form of explicit discrimination against women or people of color by a hiring manager.