Tag: benefits

Blogs and Why You Should Care

McCarthy Tetrault A “blog,” short for web log, is akin to an online diary or an electronic discussion board that often includes a mix of commentary and opinions from visitors to the website. More and more employers are dealing with employees who may be blogging about their work. Here are some questions you should consider. […]

Bulletin: New law expands whistleblower protection for health care workers

Governor Schwarzenegger recently signed A.B. 632, which bars a health care facility from discriminating or retaliating against patients, employees, facility medical staff, or other health care workers for filing a complaint or grievance, or initiating or participating in an investigation into the facility. Employees who are discriminated against in violation of the law will be […]

Managing Employees Abroad

by Brian Smeenk Does your company send employees into other countries? Do you employ foreign nationals in international aassignments? These situations have their own, unique complexities and legal issues. To be successful in managing its employees abroad, employers need to have an employment relationship that protects both its company and its employees. Let’s look at […]

Leave: Is It a Good Idea to Allow Gifting of PTO Time?

Our PTO program wraps together all time off—sick leave, vacation, and personal time. Now we’ve had a suggestion that we allow “gifting” of PTO time; that is, permit workers with excess time to give it to a worker who, say, ran out of time and is dealing with an issue, such as his or her […]

Employment Law Tip: Is Your Workers’ Comp Poster Up-to-Date?

California employers are required to keep posted in a conspicuous place a notice stating the name of the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier or stating that the employer is self-insured. The notice must be easily understandable and posted in both English and Spanish (where there are Spanish-speaking employees). The notice must include the following details:

Employment Law Tip: Reviewing Your Vacation Policy

It’s that time of year when vacations are in full swing, and maybe all the overlapping vacation requests and questions about how vacation works have exposed some gaps in your vacation policy? If so, it’s time to review your policy. Here are the key areas a comprehensive vacation policy should address: Who is entitled to […]