Tag: BLR

Whole-Person Management Training

[To briefly recap yesterday’s issue: Dr. Martin advises managers to learn how to see employees as whole people by seeing their input and not just their output, and by acknowledging that everyone is multidimensional. Today, he offers more ways to manage the whole employee.] Look at the Big Picture, Not Just the Day-To-Day Details The […]

Do You Train Managers to Manage the Whole Person?

The term “human resources management” is essential in business. But have you noticed that the majority of the literature about the topic focuses on the “resources” and the “management” aspects but barely addresses the “human” element? As a result, most managers see their employees as resources to be managed, and not as a whole person […]

Compensation 101—The Basics

Employees are satisfied. Both internal and external equity are maintained. Control is maintained over compensation costs. For a review of basic compensation program principles, we turned to Compensation.BLR.com®. Properly structured and administered, your compensation program will: Help attract top talent. Retain core employees. Encourage longevity while efficiently using financial resources. Establishing an effective compensation administration […]

Head Face First Into Effective Back Safety Training

This training exercise can be used with all employees. Its objective is to ensure that employees understand how to prevent back injuries at work and at home. Instruct employees to fill out the worksheet below: 1. List 5 activities you conduct at work that put your back safety at risk and what safe technique(s) to […]

Performance Appraisals: The 10 Most Common Rating Errors

Most HR professionals look forward to conducting annual performance reviews about as much as a trip to the dentist, but as the economy improves, performance appraisals are going to be the key for talent retention, a positive work environment, and the overall growth and productivity of your organization. That said, there are also pitfalls to […]

Performance Appraisals: Do’s and Don’ts from the Real World

Makris, senior counsel at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, and Rhoma Young of the HR consulting firm Rhoma Young & Associates offered tips for ensuring that performance appraisals are used legally and effectively. Their suggestions came in a recent BLR®/HR Hero® audio conference. From a legal perspective, performance appraisals are important because they can help defend […]

Lessons from Lombardi—The 8-Hour Session

(Oswald, CEO of BLR®, offered his thoughts on Lombardi and leadership in a recent edition of The Oswald Letter.) As a young assistant coach, Madden attended a coaching clinic where Lombardi was the speaker. As Madden tells it, he was quite confident in his football knowledge. Showing up at the clinic, he sat in the […]

Best Practices in Training: Wellness Coaching That Works!

In a pilot project over a 12-month period, more than half of participants in a pilot program sponsored by Onlife Health, a national health and wellness company, and Government Employees Health Association (GEHA), a national health plan for federal employees, lowered their blood pressure through education, coaching, and monitoring. Onlife coaches worked with GEHA members […]

Train Your Supervisors in Supervisory Skills

The material in today’s issue is brought to you courtesy of our sister publication, Compensation Daily Advisor. Your supervisors aren’t technical experts on HR matters, and they’re not going to be, but you can train them to act in a way that preserves HR’s options, says Attorney Mark Schickman, a partner with Freeland Cooper & […]

Do You Train Supervisors to, Well, Supervise?

“Sure, you’ve got handbooks, but you need to train your supervisors on the material provisions of your policies and rules, says Attorney Mark Schickman. And they need to understand that policies must be fairly and consistently applied.” While you are at it, Schickman adds, make sure that your practices match your policies. Schickman is a […]