Tag: Body Language


Professionalism: Teaching the Basics

Let’s face it, some people simply do not come across as professional. They may have the necessary skills and knowledge to be effective at their jobs, but you wouldn’t necessarily want to put them in front of a customer. Fortunately, professionalism is something that is learned and, therefore, can be taught.

Using Body Language to Improve Your Communication

There’s an old adage that 90 percent of communication is nonverbal. In other words, it’s not always what we say but how we say it, that really conveys a message to the person we’re communicating with. This is as important in the workplace as it is anywhere else. When we communicate with our employees, coworkers, […]

Remote Worker Phone Calls—Non-Verbal Communication Matters

We’ve previously discussed the challenges that exist when trying to communicate face-to-face. Body language can send various nonverbal cues to others, whether we intend them or not. But it’s not just face-to-face communication that can cause unintended messages to be sent. Even when we communicate over the phone, via e-mail or text, there are various […]

Five Factors of Professionalism—How Many Do You Possess?

A common criticism of managers around the country is a perceived lack of professionalism among employees. As Pamela Eyring writes for the Association for Talent Development (ATD), “In today’s fiercely competitive marketplace, the principles of professionalism are what distinguishes individuals and companies from their competitors. Understanding the fundamentals of business protocol and professional etiquette is more important […]