Tag: career development


Ways to Use Technology in Employee Training

Technology can be a big benefit for those willing to embrace it. Training is one area that stands to benefit greatly from technological advances. The technology has been around for years that allows employees to attend meetings virtually, through conference calls and even video conferencing. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Reasons Your Turnover Is High

As unemployment levels continue to inch ever lower, turnover levels continue to be a growing concern for employers. We all know that turnover comes with costs, including recruiting and training costs, lost productivity, and increased short-term costs like overtime for other employees—all of which can add up quickly. And none of this takes into account […]

How to Best Leverage the Millennials in your Business

Millennials often get a bad rap; however if business managers and leaders apply and deploy a wealth of knowledge and special tactics, they will get the most out of the Millennials they employ.

The Aging (?!) Millennials: How to Customize Their Compensation

While many of us continue to think of Millennials as the young whippersnappers of the office, the oldest of them are now 35 (and, no, this is no April Fools’ joke!). This may come as something of a shock—even setting aside the issue of how old this makes the rest of us feel. It also […]

E-Learning Out, Social Learning In at HP

In the 90s, we all went to e-learning, says River Software’s Randy Emelo, but today, it’s all about micro-learning—bite-sized chunks of learning, the shorter the better. You tear it apart, then talk about what you are doing—that’s social learning.

Get Hired Based on Your Career Selfie

What’s worse, trying to sum up your work history in 200 characters or less, or getting hired—or not hired—based on your looks? Pitman Training has now developed an app that pushes the envelope in social media and career development.


Succession Planning—Love Them or Lose Them

Succession planning is vital to ensuring that key roles stay filled with qualified, talented individuals. This is especially of importance for roles deemed critical to the success of the organization. If a key role becomes vacant without a plan to fill it, this gap can negatively impact an organization’s bottom line. If this happens too […]