Tag: CER

Creating a Sales Compensation Philosophy

“When we’re talking about sales compensation objectives, we define them as the five ‘rights.’ We want the sales people to sell the right product to the right customer at the right price at the right profit and at the right time. Unfortunately, many companies don’t get this right.”

Why the Trend Toward Variable Performance Pay?

“Employers want to end the entitlement mentality of across-the-board increases and move to a pay-for-performance mentality,” says consultant Teri Morning, MBA, MS, SPHR, SPHR-CA. “Organizations are looking for less expensive, less permanent solutions, such as lump sum payments, bonuses, or just paying top performers,” she adds. Increasingly, employers are less averse to withholding merit increases […]

Understanding FEHA’s disability definition

If you struggle with understanding whether you must accommodate an employee with a mental disorder, you're not alone. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can become a tricky labyrinth to navigate, and now the maze has gotten even more complicated.

Why perform background checks?

Why perform background checks? The primary reason is to protect your employees, clients/customers, suppliers and anyone who interacts with your employees. You have a duty to provide a safe working environment. Done legally, background checks can be an effective screening tool to find relevant information about job candidates. And employers have a duty to provide a safe workplace

Weight discrimination in the workplace: How can employers reduce?

>"Obese individuals are highly stigmatized, facing multiple forms of prejudice and discrimination because of their weight. And it transcends every aspect of a person's life because everybody sees this. This isn't like prostate cancer—nobody sees prostate cancer. But when the person has extra weight, everybody sees this. Everybody judges that person." Ethan Lazarus explained in a recent CER webinar