Tag: Compensation

The Pension Protection Act (PPA): What HR Managers Must Know

When the CEO asks “How will the Pension Protection Act of 2006 affect us?”, you need to know the answer. A special November 1 BLR audio conference will help you answer. Yesterday’s Advisor laid out some of the positive benefits of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA). We discussed how the law made provisions […]

The Pension Protection Act (PPA): New Opportunities for Employers

Massive revisions in the Pension Protection Act have opened the door to automatically enroll every employee or to pay retirement benefits even as senior members of your team keep working. Here’s what you need to know about these new PPA-driven opportunities. Employers are generally leery of anything coming out of Washington that affects them. But […]

Annual BLR Survey Results: How Big Will Raises Be in 2008?

BLR’s exclusive survey says that once again, the byword will be “no more than four.” And if you want more detail, we’ve got that, too. Fall is traditionally when organizations plan next year’s budget. A key component—in many cases, the key component—is how small or large a wage increase to plan for your people. One […]

Wellness: The Other Big Trend in Health Plans

More and more companies are finding that the way to cut their health insurance costs is to develop wellness plans to keep employees from getting sick in the first place. A new BLR book and audio conference will inform you about these programs … or help you set one up. Yesterday’s Advisor informed you of […]

Mini-Med Health Plans to the Rescue!

If traditional health insurance plan costs have skyrocketed out of sight but you still want to help your workers, mini-med plans may be the answer. Here’s what you need to know about them. Perhaps you’ve seen the TV ad where the actor on-screen says, “I’m thinking of a number. Can you guess what it is?” […]

Nonexempt Employee Travel Time: When Do You Have to Pay?

The rules on paying nonexempt employees for travel time can get pretty convoluted. BLR’s Employee Compensation in [Your State] explains them. Yesterday’s article on topics relating to summer HR issues talked about the government’s rules relating to paying nonexempt employees on-call. We answered the question of whether you really have to pay an employee sitting […]

Compensation: Workers Think Execs Are Overpaid

Thirty-nine percent of workers say senior executives earn more than they should, according to a survey by the staffing firm Hudson. The survey, which included 10,000 respondents, found that while 64 percent of workers said executive pay should be tied to company performance, just 38 percent of employees say the practice is applied at their […]

Handling Employees Summoned for Jury Duty

John, a regular full-time employee of BigCo, received a jury summons from federal court. Upon learning he had to appear for jury duty, he called Jamie, BigCo’s human resources representative, to find out what he needed to do. Jamie told him that he needed to take personal leave for his absence. After hearing John complaining, […]

Just How Much Should HR Professionals Be Paid?

HR salaries are rising, but how much does that mean in dollar terms at companies like yours in your area? Here’s a program to find out. Yesterday’s Advisor reported that HR salaries have risen sharply in recent years for those who have the skill sets companies are now looking for. Those skills go beyond the […]

HR Salaries Jumping Up … But There Is a Catch

A consultant survey says that HR people have the opportunity to greatly increase their pay these days, but only if they develop the skills that merit such raises. What level of salary increase is in your company’s plans for the coming year? Probably about 3 percent to 4 percent, if you fall within national averages. […]