Tag: Culture

Internal Social Media: Open the Floor to Boost Employee Engagement

More companies are using unfiltered social media as an internal communications channel in a bid to increase transparency and employee engagement. Here, HR tech expert Nigel Davies explains why the benefits outweigh the potential risks.


The High Cost of Low Employee Engagement

The impact of unengaged employees in your organization can be costly. According to Gallup’s most recent study of the American workplace, 52% of United States workers are unengaged and 18% are actively disengaged. What is the cost of a 70% unengaged workforce?

The Dangers of Hiring Friends and Family

Hiring those from within our close personal network—i.e., friends and family—has been a common practice since the earliest days of specialized work. We feel like we can trust people we know, want to give them a means of income, and want to groom someone to take over after we, or other employees, leave the company. But […]


How to Avoid Fast Turnover with New Hires

In a previous post, we discussed the high cost of turnover and recruitment and the need for businesses to make sound and lasting hiring decisions when possible to keep these costs to a minimum.

Why We Hire Family and Friends

For centuries, children often followed in the footsteps of their parents when entering the workforce. If your father was a farmer or a blacksmith or a fisherman, that is what you were taught, and that was what you were likely to also do when you came of age. The same holds true to some extent […]


How to Accommodate Transitioning and Transgender Employees

In 2017, the state of California enacted the Transgender Work Opportunity Act, which became effective in January 2018. The legislation requires mandatory workplace postings and enhanced training programs geared toward helping transgender and gender nonconforming workers overcome high unemployment rates, helping prevent discrimination in the workplace, and increasing inclusiveness in the workplace.


Trust and Career Opportunities Key for Employee Satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is extremely important for any business. When the unemployment rate is at historic lows, as it is now, employers need to find ways to stand out among competition to attract and retain top talent.


3 Ways Senior Leaders Can Inadvertently Create Toxic Workplaces

It’s undeniable that business leaders—whether the CEO, leaders of business units, or department heads—have a large influence on the environment of the workplace they run. The leader sets the expectations, sets the tone, and sets an example for how employees throughout the organization or department should behave and what qualities the company looks for in […]