Tag: cybersecurity

The Evolution of Cybersecurity

Today is World Backup Day, a day dedicated to protecting your vital information by backing up all critical files, and locking them away from scam artists and hackers. That has never been more important than it is now. Last year, we saw cybercriminals seizing a massive business opportunity. Our rapid shift to working from home […]


Rethinking Disaster Recovery Plans

Many companies have disaster recovery plans in place to address significant business disruptions, such as a natural disaster like a hurricane, an earthquake, or a tornado; a cyberattack; political or social unrest; or a host of other contingencies.


Cyberthieves Use Pandemic to Pry, Pounce on Your Data

As COVID-19 spreads around the globe, cybersecurity and data privacy risks are expanding for employers. Read on to learn some simple steps you can take to address and mitigate the dangers.


4 Keys to Securely Offboard Employees

Organizations today face many cybersecurity concerns across the board. With most businesses currently supporting remote workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic, attackers have been doing their best to capitalize on the current situation.


Turning Mistakes into Learning Opportunities

As much as we try to avoid them, mistakes are simply a part of everyday life. Unfortunately for business owners and managers, those mistakes—when made by employees—can have significant consequences.


Cybersecurity Training Basics

In our highly digitized world, the potential for theft, fraud, and other crimes is often greater through a computer than it is in person. The amount of information and access controlled in the cyber realm, as well as the ability to strike anonymously from anywhere around the globe, means hacking, phishing, and other cybercrimes are […]


Top 3 Cybersecurity Training Tips to Reduce Data Breach Risks in 2019

Many companies start the new year with ambitious goals in mind, so they ramp up hiring in the 1st quarter to help fulfill their objectives. HR will do the recruiting and then oversee orientation and compliance training on a variety of topics to help the new hires settle in, including cybersecurity awareness education. But despite […]

Data Breaches Won’t Happen to Me!

Well, that’s not entirely true. In fact, a data breach may have happened at your company and you didn’t ever find out. Today we are joined by Switchfast’s CEO, Jim Anderson to discuss some research that shows that very few in HR ever even find out when a data breach happens at their organization.