Tag: data


How to Avoid False and Incorrect Information

In a previous post, we discussed the challenges faced by online researchers. Whether they are journalists, company employees, or simply curious people, it is easy for researchers to be misled by false information or simply inaccurate data presented by seemingly reputable and reliable sources.


Color Coding for Clear Communication

When reading reports, it’s easy to get lost in huge amounts of data and information. Often, those reading the reports can lose sight of the forest for the trees. In other words, it can be difficult to see the big picture because of the need to focus on large amounts of detail.


How COVID-19 Court Closures Impact Your Background Checks

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted office closures and work-from-home mandates everywhere, including in government offices and county courthouses. When the courts are closed or operating on limited schedules, parole hearings and divorce proceedings are not the only activities impacted. Court closures can also throw a wrench in your hiring process.


Efficiencies Through Technology: Creating a New Breed of Manager

In today’s disruptive and challenging business environment, the role of manager has rarely been so important. Increasingly, success and stability depend on the decision-makers for each line of business—from finance to operations and HR—being able to analyze the data at their disposal. Crucially, managers then need to collaborate and pull together to respond as one […]


Leveraging Lunch and Learns to Boost Analytics Skills

“Data, data everywhere and not a thought to think” is a quote that has been attributed to John Allen Paulos, a professor of mathematics at Temple University. It’s a sentiment that is increasingly apt. We are surrounded by data of all kinds these days—so much data that making sense of them can be increasingly difficult.


Business Leaders: Take a Page Out of the Emergency Management Playbook

In a crisis, the nuances of a situation change quickly. Emergency managers operate in a constantly evolving landscape, always trying to anticipate, identify, understand, and solve problems before they become untenable. They rely on people who are distributed across the region and only loosely connected to see and solve the problems they are facing.