Tag: diversity and inclusion


Simple Starts: A Gateway to Changing Workplace Diversity

Changing corporate culture is a bit like deciding to live a healthier life.  It might feel like it will take a really long time. Concepts like “healthy” and “culture change” are amorphous, subjective, and often emotionally charged, not to mention daunting.


Developing a Diverse Workforce Takes More Than Recruiting

Recent years have seen organizations focus their diversity efforts on recruiting, as high-level executives have come to see how diversity benefits the bottom line, and—perhaps even more importantly—is the right thing to do. But recruitment alone isn’t the answer. Recruiting and hiring are the first steps to developing a diverse workforce, but they won’t do […]


How to Implement a Company Culture for Your International Organization

Companies come in many shapes and sizes, and there are many types of company cultures they can adopt. Regardless of whether your international organization wants to adopt a more transparent company culture or a more innovative company culture, there are some strategic and purposeful steps it must take for that culture to succeed globally.


Women Supporting Women around Recruitment and Retention

Try and discover reasons women are not applying for jobs at your company. You can start by looking at your job announcements and recruitment. Examine the way your jobs are advertised, the networks they’re being sent to, or whether recruiting is being done with a recruiting company that isn’t focusing on women applicants.

3M Weighs in on Diversity and Inclusion

According to a BLS report, unemployment among those with a disability was 8.0% in 2018, which is more than double the average unemployment rate for those without a disability (3.7%). With so many potential employees being left behind, it’s more important than ever for organizations to make an effort to bring such people on board […]


The Plight of the Older Worker: Now Is the Time to Eradicate Ageism in the Workplace

Ageism is conscious and unconscious prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination against people solely based on their age. Although the term is not new—it was coined in 1969 by Robert Neil Butler—its effects are being felt in the workplace more strongly today than ever. As people live longer and stay in the workforce longer, the issue of […]


Making Diversity and Inclusion a Journey, Not an Initiative

A diverse and inclusive workforce is almost universally touted, but it is still an elusive goal for many employers. A foolproof formula for achieving diversity and inclusion may not exist, but understanding the benefits, getting buy-in from the top, and fostering the right attitude are important steps toward achieving the goal.


What Are You Doing to Honor #GlobalTADay?

Tomorrow, September 4, is Global Talent Acquisition Day. Which made us wonder: what are you doing to honor your talent acquisition professionals?


The Importance of Personalization in Recruiting

Leveraging automation in recruitment messaging can be a huge time- and energy-saver when done correctly. However, many HR leaders and recruiters don’t realize that automated messages can be personalized, too.