L&D Strategy: Increase Your Sales with These 4 Elements
Organizations typically spend more money on their sales training programs each year than they do on any other type of training program—sometimes millions of dollars more.
Organizations typically spend more money on their sales training programs each year than they do on any other type of training program—sometimes millions of dollars more.
According to research, training employees in soft skills—including communications-based skills—boosts productivity and retention levels by 12% and delivers a 250% return on investment based on higher productivity and retention.
Many articles have been written about the differences between each generation and how they don’t understand one another inside the workplace. But there is actually substantial research that proves generational differences inside the workplace are a complete myth and that every employee essentially wants the same things:
Continuing from yesterday’s post, here are five more prominent learning and development (L&D), training, and HR trends you’ll want to keep in mind for 2019.
Being able to accurately identify employees who suffer from a mental health illness should be a sincere concern for managers and supervisors inside the workplace, especially because one in every five Americans—44.7 million Americans—currently lives with a mental health illness.
Did you know that since the 1970s, there has been a consistent 60% to 70% failure rate for organizational change projects? And according to experts, this high failure rate is the direct result of “change battle fatigue,” where employees give up on change projects because of things like poor communication, ill will, unresolved feelings from […]
Continuing from yesterday’s post, here are the remaining steps you’ll want to follow when you’re training your employees to be more emotionally intelligent.
According to research conducted by Gallup, emotionally intelligent employees and leaders are much more engaged and are less likely to leave an organization. They also have higher customer ratings, prompt more profitability for an organization, have higher rates of productivity, report fewer theft and safety incidents, and have lower rates of absenteeism.
Change management is a notoriously difficult endeavor in virtually any organization; and the larger and more complex an organization is, the harder it typically is to implement. But emotional intelligence may offer help.
In an article for Entrepreneur, Chris Haddon and Jason Balin note that many of us have coaches, mentors, or tutors growing up. Whether we play sports, play an instrument, take an in-depth dive into a specific academic field or just need some additional assistance with schoolwork, we often have someone taking a dedicated and focused […]