Tag: employee development


What the Not-So-Distant Future of L&D Looks Like

According to Gartner research, companies are currently spending an average of $1,200 per employee on training per year, and 86% of business leaders think that employee development is critical to driving business outcomes moving forward. And this is no surprise when you consider how quickly L&D is becoming the most innovative department inside any organization.


Most Needed Skills for 2019: Hard Skills

In a previous post, we discussed Paul Petrone’s recent LinkedIn research, which focused on the skills companies need most in 2019. He splits them into two categories; soft skills and hard skills.


The Most Needed Skills for 2019: Soft Skills

The beginning of a new year is a natural time to look at self-improvement and set goals for the coming year. For professionals, that often involves focusing on improving professional skills. But, according to LinkedIn® data, there are over 50,000 professional skills out there. Obviously, that’s far too many for any one person to absorb. […]


The Pros and Cons of Perfectionism

“Perfectionism” sounds like a positive trait to have at first glance. But is it purely positive? Or is there a downside to being a perfectionist? As we discussed in a previous post, some experts affirm the notion that there are positive aspects of being a perfectionist, but they point to some negative aspects as well.


Does Female Risk Aversion Impact Career Advancement?

One of the traits that sets successful entrepreneurs apart from others is their appetite for risk. While risk obviously opens one up to failures, it’s also often the case that those willing to take greater risks are more likely to receive greater rewards—including financial rewards.


6 Reasons Why Training Employees Is Worth the Investment

Training your staff: It’s good for workers, and it’s good for employers, too. It’s easy for businesses to get sucked into the perceived reasons why they shouldn’t be providing training to their employees, such as the cost to the business and the time it takes out of regular working hours.


Weak Reasons to Ask for a Raise

It’s not uncommon for employees to feel that they are undervalued and, consequently, underpaid. But, while some employees seem adept at building the case for a pay raise, others struggle to do the same, continuing to feel frustrated and sometimes even choosing to leave the organization in search of better pay. It may be that […]


Letting Employees Own Their Processes

Most people who have managed employees have at one time or another been frustrated with the performance of a staff member. He or she just simply doesn’t seem to “get it.” The person isn’t performing the work the way you think he or she should, and despite all of the sit-downs, performance reviews, additional training, […]