Tag: employee development


What to Expect of Employees Before They Take PTO

All employees need to take a day off here and there or maybe go on a vacation for a week or two. It’s typically a basic part of the compensation package, at least for salaried employees. But taking time off is generally not as simple as letting your manager know you won’t be in tomorrow […]


Anatomy of an Action Item

In previous posts, we’ve discussed the importance of meeting minutes as well as the elements that should be included in meeting minutes. One item, in particular, we noted as important is action items. There are many ways to document action items, but we recommend using a consistent structure in a table format to make sure […]


How to Ensure the Use of Meeting Minutes

In two previous posts, we discussed why it’s important to use meeting minutes to document what occurs in your meetings, and we discussed the minimum elements that should be incorporated in meeting minutes to achieve the key objectives of the meeting.


What Should You Be Including in Your Meeting Minutes?

In a previous post, we discussed reasons meeting minutes are essential for ensuring meetings are actually a productive use of your employees’ time. These include preventing the need to retrace steps or repeat discussions, keeping meetings moving forward and documenting action items.


Best Practices in Daily Time Tracking

In previous posts, we discussed the benefits of implementing a daily time tracking system for individual employees as well as the related benefits for the managers of those employees. But, just understanding the benefits of such a system isn’t the same as knowing how to realize those benefits.


Learning and Development in Fast-Changing Times

Employees have always had the need for ongoing learning and development, and organizations have always taken steps to provide them with the tools and training needed to get their jobs done. But, in an environment of increasing complexity, globalization, and rapidly emerging technology, the need for ongoing education and development has likely never been higher—or […]


Are Meeting Minutes Really Important?

How does work get done in organizations? By people; and, frequently, by people working with other people to achieve some mutual goal. In the process, these people need to communicate with each other. This can be done in a variety of ways, but one quintessential and seemingly green team communication tool is meetings.


Benefits of Employee Daily Time Tracking for Managers

In a previous post, we discussed the benefits to employees of implementing some form of daily tracking system for themselves. These benefits include personal analysis, priority adjustments, and ease in reporting progress to management.