Tag: employee flexibility

Some Business Leaders Welcome RTO-Driven Employee Attrition

We have previously discussed  the potential trade-off between talent recruitment and retention on the one hand and Return-to-Office (RTO) policies on the other. Many employees have expressed a strong preference for remote work, with some stating they would rather quit than return to the office. This sentiment has raised concerns about the impact of RTO […]

The Challenges Facing Gen Z in the Workplace

Generation Z is the future of the workforce. That’s not meant as some kind of puffery for this youngest cohort of workers; it’s a simple fact. Gen Z is already on par with Baby Boomers in terms of workforce participation numbers, and they’re expected to overtake Millennials sometime in the next 20 years. But many […]

Navigating Delayed Start Dates: Balancing Employee Needs and Organizational Priorities

When a job applicant makes it through the application and interview process and ultimately accepts a job offer from a new employer, there’s plenty of excitement on both sides of the equation. The culmination of this process represents a new beginning for both employer and employee. But, in most cases, that employee is also reaching […]


For many people working in the post-COVID era, the traditional practice of commuting to the office for a 9-to-5 (come on, we all know it’s 8–5!) job 5 days a week seems like a distant memory of a different time. Now that so many workers have been exposed to remote work and other flexible working […]

Why Leaders Should be Creating a Culture of Genuine Employee Well-Being 

Human sustainability and employee well-being are consistently innovating board-level agenda items. However, despite leaders feeling positive about their efforts and initiatives, statistics indicate that workers are not so convinced.  According to Deloitte’s latest Well-being at Work survey, 74% of employees say improving their well-being is more important than career advancement. Human sustainability, therefore, is still […]

4 Employee Retention Tactics That Actually Work

Employee retention is on the mind of every human resources professional. While the job market may finally be settling down a bit and the great resignation isn’t as great as it once was, it’s still important to keep your employees working and your business running. If you’re unable to retain employees, what happens? First of […]

Adult Autism is Increasing: How HR Can Support Business Evolution 

Ideally, businesses hire and retain great employees. Yet as every business owner knows, the balance of finding, hiring, and fully utilizing talent is difficult. The challenge becomes more difficult as younger generations have differing workforce demands and needs. The number of American adults with mental health disorders is rising. Over the past decade, studies have […]

Increase in PTO Requests Highlights Need for Flexibility

In a corporate world where the phrase “time is money” is often taken to heart, a refreshing shift is on the horizon. The latest Workforce Insights Report from BambooHR, a cloud-based HR firm, suggests employees are increasingly prioritizing work/life balance. In January 2024, for example, paid-time-off (PTO) requests hit a 4-year peak, signaling a profound […]

Have You Adopted a Push or Pull Approach to RTO?

Almost one quarter of the way through 2024, the return-to-office (RTO) battle rages on in many organizations. While the medical necessity of remote work has long since passed, employees have gotten a taste of the good life and the flexibility that comes with it, and they are reluctant to give that up. Pulling on the […]


Is Office Culture Dead?

The pandemic has fundamentally transformed the landscape of work, ushering in a new era where employee expectations have dramatically shifted from pre-pandemic norms. This shift has led to a reevaluation of traditional office culture, which was once defined by its “cool” perks designed to create a vibrant work environment. Today, the allure of such amenities […]