Tag: employee management

Is There Management Potential for AI?

The traditional image of a manager is being reimagined in the digital era as artificial intelligence (AI) begins to carve out its role not just as a tool but also as a team member. A recent pilot study conducted by Inspira AI in collaboration with academic experts sheds light on an intriguing development: AI’s success […]

conflict resolution

10 Practices to Overcome the Pitfalls That Divide Teams

Without a doubt, teams in the workplace have the potential to tap into the diverse perspectives that all members bring to the table. This larger pool of information can be helpful in making better decisions within an organization.    Unfortunately, teams often fail to live up to these reasonable expectations. In fact, social sciences literature shows […]

Lessons Learned Sessions Post-Pandemic

As many companies transition away from widespread remote work, many leaders within these organizations are looking for ways to provide some closure to the past year plus of disruption or facilitate a transition to a new normal. A great way they can do this is by holding a “lessons learned” session with their teams and […]

company culture

Your Actions Lead Your People to Customer Obsession

Slowly emerging from the pandemic, many leaders of teams and organizations are relieved to have survived the dark uncertainty of the last year. They should rightly pat themselves on the back if they maintained their teams’ confidence; our surveys in six countries show that in general, about half of workers had confidence in their direct […]