Tag: employees


Establish Better Norms to Succeed in the ‘New Normal’

Over the last few months, work as we know it has drastically changed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Whether it’s the physical location where employees work, the challenges these workers are overcoming to meet demands, or the attitudes workers now have, one thing is certain: “Normal” is now a term that describes the past. 


Leveraging Lunch and Learns to Boost Analytics Skills

“Data, data everywhere and not a thought to think” is a quote that has been attributed to John Allen Paulos, a professor of mathematics at Temple University. It’s a sentiment that is increasingly apt. We are surrounded by data of all kinds these days—so much data that making sense of them can be increasingly difficult.


Preparing Your Workforce for a Return to the Office

We’ve required a lot out of employees over the last few months. Millions of people worldwide overhauled their practices to work remotely, with 88% of office staff working from home during the pandemic. Although many are keen to have the flexibility to work from home in the future, just 16% want to say goodbye to […]


Time to Refocus Training on Remote Work?

Currently, huge numbers of American workers are working remotely as a way to promote social distancing and slow the spread of COVID-19. Employers’ mind-set has been that the current situation is a necessary temporary measure as we ride out the worst of the pandemic. However, as the virus is rebounding in many states where social […]

Employers in BET’s Twenties Test the Waters with Respect to Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

BET’s Twenties is a comedy series featuring three black women who are navigating their professional and personal lives in Los Angeles. Created by Emmy Award-winning artist Lena Waithe, the series features Jonica T. Gibbs as Hattie, a queer woman, and her two straight friends Marie (played by Christina Elmore) and Nia (played by Gabrielle Graham).


Business Leaders: Take a Page Out of the Emergency Management Playbook

In a crisis, the nuances of a situation change quickly. Emergency managers operate in a constantly evolving landscape, always trying to anticipate, identify, understand, and solve problems before they become untenable. They rely on people who are distributed across the region and only loosely connected to see and solve the problems they are facing.