Tag: employees

Overcoming the Motherhood Penalty with Innovative Benefit Design

It’s well established that working mothers experience the ‘motherhood penalty’ including workplace disadvantages around pay, advancement, and benefits. While one company cannot change this for all working mothers, it’s the responsibility of leaders to make their organizations a place where women want to work and will feel supported, elevated and appreciated. Companies must build company […]

HR Query: 4 Tips for Hiring Autistic Workers

Did you know that 35% of 18-year-olds with autism attend college, but 85% of college graduates with autism are under-employed or unemployed? Furthermore, more than 1 million people with autism in the U.S. will reach adulthood in the next decade. The number of candidates who are being overlooked by hiring processes designed with only the […]

Insights from Latest US Jobs Report

The US jobs report for March 2024 offers some fresh insights into the state of the U.S. economy and, more specifically, the U.S. labor market. Released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it reveals a substantial addition of 303,000 nonfarm payroll jobs, with the unemployment rate remaining stable at 3.8%. Notable gains in health care, […]

6 Reasons to Complete a Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit

Many companies, regardless of size, work hard to provide top-tier healthcare benefits to their participants. Unfortunately, many come to the realization that a considerable chunk of its healthcare expenses stem from ineligible dependents. Despite the best intentions, the absence of a Dependent Eligibility Verification program can leave the organization vulnerable to financial strain, legal headaches, […]

5 Considerations for Fostering a Collaborative Global Culture

In an increasingly interconnected world, fostering a collaborative global culture is imperative for leaders. At Astellas, a Tokyo-based global pharmaceutical company with 14,000+ people across the globe, we recognize the importance of embracing diversity and nurturing a collaborative global culture, so our people feel empowered to pursue brave ideas and ambitious outcomes. We have focused […]

Answering the Challenge of Talent Retention Among Gen Z and Millennial Workers

In the aftermath of the pandemic, businesses across the globe grappled with unprecedented workforce challenges. Amidst the turbulence, a particular narrative emerged, casting Gen-Z and millennial workers in a controversial light. Critics hastily attributed a perceived decline in work ethic to those younger demographics, sparking widespread debate about their commitment to work. However, these oversimplified […]

Faces of HR: Alexander Schaffel on Alignment and Harmonious Relationships

After undergrad, Alexander Schaffel got his start in the HR industry working in recruiting, with a focus on front-office financial services for a New York City-based organization. Not long after, he segued into law, practiced for 12 years, and joined Segal McCambridge, where he has spent the past 7 years as a shareholder. After some […]

Thriving Among Competition: Recruitment and Retention Strategies to Become a Destination Employer  

The lifeline of any company is attracting and retaining top-notch talent. High-performing employees serve as the building blocks for setting the foundation for organizational success. In a competitive workforce with a limited talent pool, recruitment and retention strategies have become more essential than ever.   Following the Great Resignation (2021-2022), where an average of 4.5 […]

EntertainHR: Caitlin Clark Fever and the Gender Wage Gap

As a proud South Carolinian, I was delighted to watch the undefeated Gamecocks women’s basketball team take home another NCAA Championship this year. Being the parent of a budding female athlete (when my daughter isn’t busy finishing fourth grade) and basketball fan made the Gamecocks’ headline-grabbing journey to the NCAA finals all the more exciting. However, […]

How to Unionize Your Workplace

Throughout 2023, U.S. labor unions achieved gains and made headlines. This past summer, members of the Writers Guild of America and SAG-AFTRA, the Hollywood writers’ and actors’ unions, went on strike for over four months, leading to new agreements for both unions with studios and producers for increased residuals, increased compensation, and protections against exploitive […]