Tag: employees

The End of Non-Competes? What HR Professionals Need to Know About the FTC’s Latest Ruling

Non-compete agreements, often used to protect business interests by restricting the ability of employees to enter into competition with their former employers, have been a staple in employment contracts for years. As detailed in our previous discussion on non-compete agreements published on March 4, 2024, these agreements are designed to safeguard trade secrets and investments […]

4 Employee Retention Tactics That Actually Work

Employee retention is on the mind of every human resources professional. While the job market may finally be settling down a bit and the great resignation isn’t as great as it once was, it’s still important to keep your employees working and your business running. If you’re unable to retain employees, what happens? First of […]

Prescription for Employee Financial Wellbeing? Start with an FSA or HSA

With inflation continuing to drive prices upward on a broad range of products and services, financial wellness is top of mind for nearly everyone. According to a recent Bank of America survey, 62% of employees are stressed about their finances and 71% feel the cost of living is outpacing growth in their income. All told, […]

Adult Autism is Increasing: How HR Can Support Business Evolution 

Ideally, businesses hire and retain great employees. Yet as every business owner knows, the balance of finding, hiring, and fully utilizing talent is difficult. The challenge becomes more difficult as younger generations have differing workforce demands and needs. The number of American adults with mental health disorders is rising. Over the past decade, studies have […]

AI in Recruitment: Harnessing Technology for Efficient Hiring

While the traditional recruiting process can take up to six weeks, Builtin.com reveals that today’s top candidates are snapped up in 10 days. By necessity, hiring managers are turning to AI systems to streamline their hiring process and enhance candidate selection. Leverage AI Technology to Simplify Job Posting Manually tracking job postings, updating them, and […]

Overcoming the Motherhood Penalty with Innovative Benefit Design

It’s well established that working mothers experience the ‘motherhood penalty’ including workplace disadvantages around pay, advancement, and benefits. While one company cannot change this for all working mothers, it’s the responsibility of leaders to make their organizations a place where women want to work and will feel supported, elevated and appreciated. Companies must build company […]

HR Query: 4 Tips for Hiring Autistic Workers

Did you know that 35% of 18-year-olds with autism attend college, but 85% of college graduates with autism are under-employed or unemployed? Furthermore, more than 1 million people with autism in the U.S. will reach adulthood in the next decade. The number of candidates who are being overlooked by hiring processes designed with only the […]

Insights from Latest US Jobs Report

The US jobs report for March 2024 offers some fresh insights into the state of the U.S. economy and, more specifically, the U.S. labor market. Released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it reveals a substantial addition of 303,000 nonfarm payroll jobs, with the unemployment rate remaining stable at 3.8%. Notable gains in health care, […]

6 Reasons to Complete a Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit

Many companies, regardless of size, work hard to provide top-tier healthcare benefits to their participants. Unfortunately, many come to the realization that a considerable chunk of its healthcare expenses stem from ineligible dependents. Despite the best intentions, the absence of a Dependent Eligibility Verification program can leave the organization vulnerable to financial strain, legal headaches, […]

5 Considerations for Fostering a Collaborative Global Culture

In an increasingly interconnected world, fostering a collaborative global culture is imperative for leaders. At Astellas, a Tokyo-based global pharmaceutical company with 14,000+ people across the globe, we recognize the importance of embracing diversity and nurturing a collaborative global culture, so our people feel empowered to pursue brave ideas and ambitious outcomes. We have focused […]