Tag: employees

How Insurance Affinity Programs Provide Real Value to Consumer Groups

Most, if not all, people have an affinity for certain brands over others, and this inclination toward a given brand usually involves shared characteristics or values. They identify with it on a deeper level. And that serves as the basis for affinity distribution, where one brand partners with another brand and leverages its “brand affinity, […]

Are We Seeing a Correction in Employee Wages?

The narrative surrounding wage growth in the United States is reaching an inflection point, posing a critical question: Are we witnessing a correction in wages? Recent developments paint a complex picture, one in which a surge in compensation during the pandemic era appears to be adjusting to new economic realities. A Look at the Data […]

Faces of HR: Andrew Scivally on Creating Safe Spaces to Learn and Fail, Decisiveness, and Taking Risks

Fast-forward to today, and Scivally, Cofounder and CEO of ELB Learning, a software company dedicated to creating learning experiences that unlock employee performance, is proud to share that ELB Learning has completely transformed. “We’re six times stronger after acquiring and integrating industry-leading learning technology and service companies over the past three years,” he told HR […]

3 Hacks for Virtual Team Collaboration

Virtual teams have always been a reality in the business world, but the COVID-19 pandemic kicked them into high gear. More and more employees became permanently remote, which meant fewer watercooler conversations or opportunities for coworkers to bond. To be fair, it also meant a workforce that had more freedom over their lives with flexible […]

After Layoffs, Here’s How to Rebuild a High-Trust Work Culture

The recent swath of layoffs couldn’t have come at a worse time for companies. Even before the staff cuts, most were already facing a crisis of trust. According to DDI’s 2023 Global Leadership Report, just 32% of leaders say they trusted senior leadership in their organization to make the right decisions, and fewer than half […]

Leadership In the AI Age: How to Manage When Your Organization Has More Machines Than People

It’s here. The once science fiction scenario where the world is filled with more machines than people is now a pressing reality. Like it or not, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has entered the workplace–and on a global scale. It’s a pivotal moment for business leaders, and with huge implications. And while this reality may seem daunting […]

How the CHRO Can Lead the Change to Becoming a Dynamic Organization

After the global pandemic and the disruption it caused, CEOs could be forgiven for wanting a period of stability. Instead, they’ve had to concentrate on protecting their businesses from the ongoing impacts of war, supply chain disruption, political and economic turbulence, persistent inflation, and ongoing labor shortages. That’s not the end, either—a combination of demographics, […]

HR Query: How to Manage PTO Effectively in 2024

According to a recent Forbes Advisor study, 40% of Americans plan to travel more in 2024, which means employees may request more time off from work than usual. This is a concern for many workplaces as time off requests and management can put a strain on an entire company. In this week’s HR Query, Tiffany […]

3 Considerations to Make Retirement Packages More Attractive

A few years ago, I was working with a company who offered a lucrative early retirement package. The CEO was shocked when only five of the 80 eligible employees signed up. Why wouldn’t more eligible employees sign up? Money, it turned out, wasn’t an effective motivator for employees who had “enough” money (whatever “enough” happened […]


Building a More Equitable Future: The Case for Affordable Family-Forming Benefits in the Workplace

In the challenging landscape of today’s workforce, the importance of health equity has surged to the forefront of employer responsibilities. Incorporating affordable family-forming alternatives into employee benefit packages plays a vital role in the pursuit of equity.  This strategy not only targets the disparities in health equity but also ensures that individuals across diverse backgrounds […]