Can You Use E-Learning for E-Training?

In general, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) focuses its efforts on compliance rather than on the training process used to achieve compliance. (However, asbestos, lead abatement, and certain other highly toxic or cancer-causing material handling are exceptions for which the EPA has specific training requirements.) In some cases, the EPA specifies general types of […]

OT and Social Media—‘Please Sue Me’

Yesterday’s  Advisor featured Hunter “Please Sue Me” Lott on HR and wage/hour challenges. Today, his tips for a social media policy, one more wage/hour nightmare, and an introduction to the HR audit guide that helps you find problems before the feds do.

3 Things that Say, ‘Please Sue Me’

Still have exit interviews, probationary periods, and sick leave? asks popular speaker Hunter “Please Sue Me” Lott. If you have those, get rid of them, he says. The exit interview was invented by HR, Lott says, and it suggests that our philosophy is, “Let’s spend our time with the crummy employees.” Stop that, says Lott. […]

Train Supervisors to Make the Right Decisions

We want our supervisors to manage and participate, but there are several circumstances in which they must step aside, says Attorney Mark Schickman. Schickman, who is a partner with Freeland Cooper & Foreman, LLP in San Francisco, offered his training tips at a recent webinar sponsored by BLR® and HR Hero®. When the Supervisor Is […]

Are Your Supervisors Trained to Handle Tough Decisions?

Even organizations with the most rules and regulations get into trouble, Schickman says. It doesn’t matter how big you are, or how much money you have, or how many rules you have—if the supervisor doesn’t do the job, you’re in trouble. Schickman, who is a partner with Freeland Cooper & Foreman, LLP in San Francisco, […]

Perks, Insurance, and Atypical Benefits–How Do You Compare?

Beyond health insurance and retirement benefits (covered in previous surveys), the number one perk provided by the employers responding to our survey was paid holidays, with 91% percent of them offering it. Other highlights: Flextime is offered by 53% of respondents. About 33% relax their dress code in the summer, at least for some employees. […]

Super Safety Training Sessions, Part 1: Preparation

Imagine two training rooms, side by side. Both host safety training meetings. In Room A, the instructor drones on and on, doing all the talking, while trainees check their watches, look longingly at the exit, or just slouch at their desks with a 10,000-yard stare in their eyes. When the session breaks, there’s a dash […]

Customer Service Training Begins with Hiring the Right People

As we learned yesterday, the ultimate success of any business derives from the attitude of its employees. Good-natured employees not only diligently carry out their assigned tasks, but do so positively and creatively. They project good feelings and may find solutions to customer problems even where solutions don’t currently exist. That’s something even the best […]

Do You Know the FUNdamentals of Safety Training?

When it comes to openers and closers, safety consultant Linda Tapp urges trainers to keep in mind the law of primary and “recency.” Trainees are going to remember what you do first and last. So you want to make sure to choose the right activities—activities at the beginning of the session that will get trainees […]

There’s More to Ladder Safety Training Than Workers Might Think

Ladders are simple devices—and that may be their biggest fault. Workers tend to mistake simplicity for harmlessness, often overlooking necessary precautions. More precautions are necessary to stay safe on portable ladders than your employees might think. For example, even before setting up a ladder, the site has to be checked for safety. Say the site […]