Tag: HR managers

Navigating Leadership with Biological Wisdom: Real-Life Applications of Safety and Danger Cues

In leadership, understanding and responding to cues of safety and danger are pivotal for fostering environments of trust, collaboration, and innovation. Drawing from Polyvagal Theory and Neuroception, Human Resources Managers can harness biological insights to navigate the complexities of organizational dynamics effectively. As Human Resources Managers, our role extends beyond traditional administrative tasks. We are […]

How to Use Cloud Technology to Streamline HR Processes

HR workflows can be time-consuming, and that’s something businesses need to change, especially as demand for efficiency rises. Thankfully, cloud computing can help. Cloud solutions have overwhelmingly exceeded expectations in HR departments already using them. At the same time, cloud transformation is the third-largest challenge HR leaders face today. This discrepancy suggests the cloud’s benefits […]

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace: How Managers Can Use Tools to Understand How to Address It

Conflict. How does that word make you feel? In particular, how does conflict in the workplace make you feel? When we asked that question as part of a research project, many said that conflict made them feel anxious or stressed, others that they found it awkward or uncomfortable, or angry or frustrated, or demotivated or […]

Has Climbing the Corporate Ladder Lost its Appeal?

Leadership is a crucial element of the success of any business. Leaders not only set the strategic initiatives of the company, but they also serve as high-profile champions of the company’s values and mission. Effective leadership drives a company’s success and fosters a positive and productive workplace culture. However, a recent shift in career aspirations […]

Feed-Forward vs. Feedback: A Matter of Semantics?

There’s a lot of talk of feed forward replacing feedback. Why? Simply put, the vast majority of people don’t like feedback—neither giving it nor receiving it. Why is that? Our brains are programmed to avoid conflict unless it’s a direct threat to our safety. If we’re feeling safe and work is moving forward, why introduce […]

Lizzo Lawsuit Shows Employers ‘It’s About Damn Time’ They Train Their Managers

Recently, one of my favorite artists, Lizzo, made headlines when three of her backup dancers filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court against her, her tour company (Big Grrrl Big Touring Inc.), and her dance team captain. There are various allegations in this lawsuit, but I want to focus on the sexual harassment/hostile work […]

How to Handle a Difficult Employee

Within your company, is there one employee who just kind of gets everyone’s guard up? Maybe they’re a bit rude or forceful. Maybe they kick back too often and let others pick up the slack. Or maybe their negative attitude is just a total drain on business operations. The problems they bring to the table […]

Leading On-Screen Talent: Effectively Managing Remote Workforces

Gartner recently estimated that by the end of 2023, fully remote and hybrid workers are expected to account for 71% of the workforce in the United States. We know that companies that embrace these trends will be able to attract and retain top talent while increasing productivity and employee satisfaction. Key trends of remote and […]

Beating HR Burnout by Overcoming the Hiring Loop

A recent study from Sage titled “The changing face of HR” found that HR professionals are increasingly burned out at work despite still being passionate about their jobs. In fact, 62% of HR leaders are considering leaving the field entirely, even though 57% say they love their jobs. How is this possible? Well, it’s interesting that […]

How to Manage the Anxiety and Stress of Layoffs

Navigating the anxiety and stress of layoffs as a company is never an easy task. HR leaders need to tend to the needs of not only those who are being laid off but also those who will remain in their roles. At the Top Employers Institute, we certify companies that promote a culture of employee mental health and well-being. […]