Tag: HR technology


4 Technology Opportunities Most Businesses Don’t Take Advantage Of

One feature of business technology is that it cuts both ways: It’s almost certain there will be some gains and some losses with investment. But gauging the net result is key in deciding whether to invest and adopt or wait and see. For management, this could include analyzing whether the time and financial cost of […]

Save Time and Streamline Workflows with HR Automation

HR is among the busiest and most impactful business units in any company. HR professionals handle everything from finding, vetting, and placing new employees to handling employee relations, benefits, payroll, and professional development. But sometimes, it can feel like the entire job is a paper chase. Documentation is important, but it’s easy to get bogged […]


5 Ways AI Can Help HR Better Recruit

Human Resources (HR) professionals are increasingly turning to technology to help them hire the right people quicker and easier. Tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) are helping HR administrators in a multitude of ways and transforming talent acquisition in the process.

Blockchain: Three Powerful Applications for HR

Blockchain has already disrupted the payments and insurance industry, but its effects on other business areas, such as HR, have the potential to be profound. Blockchain works as a secure, digital transaction technology that can be programmed to keep a record of virtually everything of value, making tampering with the records almost impossible. Blockchain removes […]


Don’t Think of AI Advancement as an Arms Race

In the Dr. Seuss tale The Butter Battle Book, a farcical tale is told of two antagonistic neighbors—the Yooks and the Zooks—who enter into an arms race and go to war over a disagreement about whether to eat bread with the butter side up or down.

5 Steps to Successfully Automate Your HR Department

Human Resources (HR) requires a lot of human input. Therefore, it’s not surprising that HR has embraced robotic process automation (RPA) tools, which are designed to save businesses and employees time by automating repetitive clerical tasks using software robots.

Workforce Planning: How to Choose the Right Goal for Your Company

If you have been long looking for ways to optimize workflow and still haven’t implemented workforce planning, you are missing out on plenty of opportunities. It is a key element in every business’s success formula.

How to Use Technology to Manage and Retain Employees

Engagement plays a key role in managing and retaining employees of all ages. As our new research indicates, real-time feedback, socially engaging experiences, and mobile access play a key role in influencing engagement with Millennial, Gen Z, and Baby Boomer members of the workforce. And all of this can be managed more effectively with the […]