Fantasy Football Ranks Better as a Hobby Than Reading

When a résumé crosses your desk, you most likely don’t hire that candidate based on the list of hobbies included, if there even are hobbies included. Showing your interests on a résumé has sort of become taboo. It wastes space when that area can be used for showcasing valuable skills. Depending on the job, listing […]

Overworked or Over the Hill? 3-Day Workweek Might Suit You Better

The HR world is always buzzing about employee engagement and ways to increase productivity, but what if I told you that by shortening your workweek, you could actually be increasing engagement and productivity? Sounds like I’m off my rocker, but a recent study is proving this might be the case.

Have a Little Sympathy; I Just Quit My Job

The Comedy Central show, @Midnight, recently asked its Twitter followers to tweet how they would quit their jobs using the hashtag, “#QuitYourJobIn5Words.” The Twitter world complied and left us such gems as “Nobody puts baby in cubicle” via @TunaOfTheSky, and “I’ve caught all the Pokémon here” from @Roybq. However, no amount of hashtags could prepare […]

gender gap

There’s A Gap for That … Job

The gender pay gap is alive and well, unfortunately, which is somewhat startling when you realize that half the workforce is made up of women. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), in 2015, female, full-time workers made only 79 cents for every dollar earned by men—resulting in a gender wage gap of […]

I Need an Old Priest and a Young Priest to Get Me This Job!

Last week HRSBT covered  helicopter parents and the crazy ways they’ve tried to get their children into careers. Is it ironic that CareerBuilder has now released survey results highlighting unusual things jobseekers have done to get noticed? Probably not, but it still makes for good HRSBT fodder! Surprisingly, helicopter parents did not make this list!

Employees Behaving Badly?

No, that’s not the title of a new reality TV show, that’s the subject of a new survey recently released by management software company Better Buys! The survey was made up of responses from 2,000 people across the United States who worked in various industries. The survey’s goal was to see which bad employee behaviors […]

Attention Helicopter Parents: You Can’t Come to Your Child’s Job Interview

Not sure what a helicopter parent is? According to Wikipedia, “A helicopter parent (also called a cosseting parent or simply a cosseter) is a parent who pays extremely close attention to a child’s or children’s experiences and problems, particularly at educational institutions. Helicopter parents are so named because, like helicopters, they hover overhead, overseeing their […]

Who Would Have Thought a Trip to the Moon Could Be So Cheap?

Famous Astronaut Buzz Aldrin must have been feeling nostalgic back in July when he shared the expense report for his trip to the moon—on his Twitter account. You’ll remember that Aldrin blasted off to outer space in July 1969 when the cost of living wasn’t nearly as expensive as it is today. So what did […]

I Said Yes! Attention Photographers: New Trend Emerging?

Anyone with a social media account knows the importance of engagement photo shoots. They let the world know that “Yes, we are in love and officially off the market.” Also, the images are great for “save the date” cards and newspaper announcements. However, a new photography trend could be emerging related to saying “yes” in […]