Tag: interview process

Never-Ending Interviews

For job applicants, the interview process can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. On the one hand, there’s the potential for a new job or even a new career. On the other hand, it can take days, weeks or longer to find out how the interview went and whether the applicant landed the job or even […]


The Recruitment Risks of Too Many Interviews

It’s a significant financial and operational commitment for a company to hire a new team member. Onboarding and training require considerable resources, not to mention the salary, benefits, and taxes involved in compensating the new hire. Operationally, new team members are often accountable not just to their boss but also to stakeholders in other departments […]

Three Interview Questions to Avoid

When you’re interviewing a potential employee, the stakes are high. You want to bring the right person onto the right team in the right role, and which questions you ask can have a huge impact on the process. You’ve probably spent time tailoring your list to include thoughtful questions that will really help you identify […]


CX Matters, Even in a Pandemic

Recruiting during a pandemic comes with many challenges, but that doesn’t mean the candidate experience (CX) should suffer as a result. CX is even more important now than it was in the candidate-driven market, and your peers agree.


Examine Your Interview Process: Is It Effective?

Being able to identify employees with long-term potential is truly an art form, and companies that get it right typically outperform those that don’t. The companies that excel have a well-defined system in addition to having key decision-makers highly engaged early on and throughout the interview process. Furthermore, companies that are successful in identifying great […]

Ghosting Tales: A Mini-Series – Part 2

In a recent article we explored the concept of ghosting, where an applicant that would have been a good fit and maybe even has accepted an offer just vanishes without a word. Thanks to a collaboration with recruiters at Addison Group, we have a special three-part series. Each part will include one ghosting tale. If […]

Keeping Hiring Fresh: From Group Interviews to Informal Events

In yesterday’s Advisor, we noted that interviews can sometimes be a bottleneck in the hiring process. We started an outline of some alternatives to either bypass or improve the in-person interview. Let’s take a look at a few more options here:

More than a hunch: making better hiring decisions

by Tracy Lindow Recently, I overheard a conversation between two department managers in the hallway of a client organization:  Manager A: “I will not be in our staff meeting today because I have to interview a candidate for the vacancy in my department at 9:00 a.m. If she shows up on time and has no […]