Tag: Job Descriptions

Wage Compression? Use the ‘Compression Triangle’

The first thing to recognize about compression is that there are no secrets at work, says consultant Brown. People are going to find out what other people make. They may talk openly or it may be relatively innocent, he adds. For example, your life insurance is half of salary, and employees are sitting at lunch […]

Why Proper Worker Classification Is So Important

Ensuring the proper classification of workers is a concern for many reasons. Taxes, employment laws and employee benefits are the main ones. Have you run into situations where you were unsure of whether a worker should be classified as an employee or contractor?

JDs a Strategic Tool for TM

Job descriptions (JDs) are the foundation of your integrated talent management (ITM) infrastructure, says consultant Gordon Medlock, but most organizations currently do not link JD content to most of their talent management processes. And that’s a missed opportunity. Why Is There No Linkage? Medlock, who is Senior Talent Management Consultant at HRIZONS, offers the following […]

Harnessing Technology to Manage JDs and Talent Management

Yesterday’s Advisor featured consultant Gordon Medlock’s tips for managing job descriptions in today’s integrated environment. Today, the need to link the JDs to your Integrated Talent Management (ITM) program.   Talent management won’t work without the technology required to support it, says Medlock, who is Senior Talent Management Consultant with HRIZONS. Tech support should provide: […]

Goal-Driven Profit-Sharing? Sure

[Go here for 1. Straight and 2. Hurdle-Rate Profit Sharing] 3. Goal-Driven Profit-Sharing Plans In a goal-driven profit-sharing plan, profits are used to establish an incentive opportunity, but employees also must earn that opportunity, based on achieving other goals. These other goals are broad corporate goals, rather than unit operational goals, which are used to […]

Profit-Sharing Primer—the 3 Types of Plans

Advantages Funded from profits, so there is low risk for the company. Can be used to supplement company retirement contributions. Can be linked to company objectives other than profit. Provide an opportunity to train employees on financial measures and the operational business factors that affect those measures. Easy to integrate with suggestion plans and other […]

Practical Examples: FMLA to Care for Children 18 and Above

My 20-year-old daughter has been put on bed rest because of her high-risk pregnancy. I am the only one available to care for her. Can I take FMLA leave for this reason? Maybe. In order to take FMLA leave to care for your adult daughter, she must be incapable of self-care due to a disability […]

Development, Mentors, Opportunities, Risk, and Reward Keep HIPOs Engaged

Here are some more tips for managing HIPOs (high potentials): Increase risk and reward. This might mean giving more at-risk salary in the form of bigger bonuses or incentive pay for outstanding performance. Having more say over final take-home pay can allow HIPOs to feel more in charge of their career outcome, even if the […]

Key Factors in Determining Salary Increases

Once you’ve got a salary increase matrix (see below), determining increases should be simple—but it’s not. Several approaches are commonly used for determining salary increases. Performance/merit systems are the most common. Across-the-board or general increases are often tied to increases in the cost-of-living index. For unionized employees, the collective bargaining agreement will include a negotiated […]

6 Reasons to Conduct an Employee Engagement Survey

Benowitz, who is the vice president of Growth and Development at The Employee Engagement Group, offered his expert tips on engagement surveys in a recent webcast offered by BLR. Six Reasons to Conduct an Employee Engagement Survey Demonstrate your concern about employee issues. Find out what’s stressing your workforce (gives you an opportunity to act). […]