Tag: Job Descriptions

Are You Attractive to Potential Employees?

It is quite simple. In order to attract the best employees, you must look as if you are the best company to work for. Appearance is everything. A very basic first step in managing your image is to review how you present your company, says Jasmine Rojas, BLR® legal editor.   For instance, while you […]

10 Most Common Errors in Performance Rating

Pay for performance is the order of the day, but you can’t have pay for performance if you can’t measure performance in a meaningful way. Unfortunately,  there are significant pitfalls to avoid when conducting your performance reviews. In today’s Advisor, we’ll get tips from expert Armstrong on how to make performance appraisals more meaningful for […]

Great Incentive Plan + Poor Communication = Poor Incentive Plan

Communicating the Sales Incentive Plan Sometimes Pasteris sees the situation in which there was a great sales plan design but it failed because it was not well understood and appreciated by the salespeople. To avoid that situation, make sure that you: Send an announcement letter, particularly with the new plan that spells out its features. […]

HRIS Records Checklist: How Do You Stand?

HRIS Personnel Records Checklist The more questions to which you answer “yes,” the better your computer system is able to handle personnel records. Records maintained Do you have a computer system for the following personnel records:   Yes No Beneficiaries of benefits plan? ❒ ❒ Cost of benefits plan? ❒ ❒ Date employees admitted into […]

Your Rep’s ‘Perceived Symbols of Wealth’ Derail Mediations

Marcus offered her tips on succeeding with mediation at a recent meeting of the Employers’ Counsel Network (ECN) in Springfield, Massachusetts. The Employers’ Counsel Network includes the attorneys from each state who write BLR’s state employment law newsletters. Marcus is one of the EEOC mediators based in the Boston office of the EEOC. Sometimes it’s […]

VBBD—Case Study Shows Real Savings

McCormick, a consultant with Fallon Benefits Group in Atlanta, made her remarks at BLR’s Advanced Employment Issues Symposium, held recently in Las Vegas. Case Study in VBBD Some facts about the client: Global presence with more than 7,000 covered lives Employee population includes office staff, manufacturing, and drivers Average employee age: 45 years Very low […]

Where to Start with Your Job Descriptions? Use Our Questionnaire

In Yesterday’s Advisor, we covered the basic pitfalls in job description writing. Today, a handy job analysis questionnaire you can use, plus good news—there’s a checklist-based audit system for you to use to evaluate all your HR practices. Here’s a basic questionnaire that you can use to write new job descriptions (or to review existing […]

Where Job Descriptions Fail and How to Fix Yours

Even when they are accurate to begin with (not always the case), it’s all too easy for job descriptions to get out of date, and that causes all sorts of problems, practical and legal, for employers. The most typical problems have to do with job specifications that are inaccurate. They either require something that isn’t […]

job description

Q&A on Job Descriptions, Essential Functions, and Reasonable Accommodation

If an employee with a disability is reassigned to a vacant position that better accommodates the disability, but this position does not pay as well as the one they started in, can the employee’s pay be reduced? Can having a high school diploma or GED be a job requirement? What happens if a disabled employee […]

What’s the Real Cost of EE Healthcare? (Hint: More than You Think)

How Big Is the Number? Most HR managers underestimate the full costs of employee health (or lack thereof), says Ahlrichs. He refers to a study involving auto manufacturers and 171,250 employees. The study recorded basic medical costs for the measured period—the metric most wellness plans look at—at $509 million. But add pharmacy and the number […]