Tag: job search

What Frustrates Jobseekers Most About the Recruiting Process?

Lack of communication? Inaccurate job descriptions? Long response times? These topics are always frequently named when talking about improving the candidate experience, but what, exactly, is the most frustrating thing jobseekers cite about the recruiting process? The answer may or may not surprise you.

3 Keys to Spotting Corporate Talent in Nontraditional Candidates

In part one of this article, we made a case for how a new recruiting approach might be required in these difficult recruiting times. Today, we’ll look at exactly how you might accomplish that.

‘Ghosting’ Is Becoming More Prevalent in the Hiring Process

Ghosting is becoming a common theme for 2018—as we’ve recently highlighted in a three-part series—and new research released by Clutch, a B2B ratings and reviews firm, shows that more than 40% of candidates say it’s reasonable to ghost a company during the hiring process. With more candidates ghosting companies, it leaves you wondering: What makes […]


Jobseekers Want High-Tech, High-Touch Experiences When Applying to Your Company

If your company is still using paper job applications, then chances are you’re losing top talent before they’ve even finished filling out their names. According to new research released by ManpowerGroup Solutions, jobseekers want a technology-friendly job experience from the first touch all the way through the interview process.

3 Ways to Increase Hiring Without Depleting Funds

Most recruiters aren’t holding their breath for large budget increases to drop from the sky. But with all the excitement surrounding new and expensive hiring trends, a shower of money wouldn’t hurt. 


Entry-Level Jobs Expected to Net College Grads Over $53,000 in Annual Salaries

According to iCIMS Chief Marketing Officer, Susan Vitale—in a recent RecruitCon 2018 session—81% of college seniors said they would be willing to accept a full‐time job in a field unrelated to their college major. With salary expectations for entry-level positions on the rise, college graduates may have to end up settling for a position outside […]