Tag: Learning and Development

Mobile Learning Trends for a Mobile Workforce

According to Gartner, the mobile workforce is anticipated to double or triple in size by 2018, as workers begin to rely more and more on their mobile devices. Consequently, the mobile learning industry was expected to grow in worth from $5.3 billion in 2013 to $12.2 billion in 2017.1 Here are some mobile learning trends you’ll […]

What Are Kolb Learning Styles? A Way to Make Learning More Effective

In the science of teaching adults, or “andragogy,” a teacher isn’t a sage on the stage but rather a facilitator by the side. Your success as a trainer is mostly measured by how well the trainees learn, retain information, and apply it in their job. The thing is, every individual learns at his or her […]

Turn the Cultural Tide on Asking for Help

Yesterday’s Advisor presented an article by learning and development industry veteran Jo Eismont on how to ensure your organization’s culture makes it OK for employees to ask for help. Today we’ll go over more from Eismont on this important part of the learning process.

Asking for Help Is OK—But Does Your Culture Reflect That?

Learning is a process, and it should be OK to ask for help—but many in the workplace are reluctant to do so. Today’s Daily Advisor has tips on adjusting the cultural aspects of asking for help in an article by Jo Eismont, a social media and Web editor with years of experience in the learning […]


Do Your Employees Need Ethics Training?

Certainly, supervisors and managers need to understand your company’s ethics policy and the importance of enforcing it. Train them on your policy, as well as the need to observe the highest standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity in the workplace.