Tag: learning

Whistleblowers: Legislation Targets Corporate Accountability; New Whistleblower Protections, Posting Requirement, and Penalties Take Effect January 1

Gov. Davis has approved legislation taking aim at corporate corruption. The new laws, modeled on the federal Sarbanes-Oxley Act, protect employees who blow the whistle on possible corporate transgressions, create steep new fines for not disclosing corporate financial fraud, and add an important new workplace posting requirement. Here’s an overview of what you need to […]

Sexual Harassment: Harassment Escalates into Violence When Employer Delays Responding to Complaint; Would Your Managers Have Taken Action?

Trouble began between Betra Thompson and Tina Sheffield, two clerks for the Los Angeles County Department of Social Services, when Thompson allegedly called Sheffield at home, said she liked her “like a man likes a woman,” and asked for a date. Sheffield said no and hung up. The next day, a Friday, Sheffield told her […]

Exempt Employees: Federal Government Proposes Overhaul of Who’s Exempt from Overtime, but California Rules Still Stricter

The U.S. Department of Labor recently published a proposal to update the 50-year-old Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) regulations defining white-collar exemptions. The new rules could take effect by the end of the year after a public comment and review process. But, as explained below, the changes probably won’t have much impact on California employers […]

Workers’ Compensation: Court Looks at What Triggers an Employer’s Obligation to Provide Claim Form; 3 Practical Tips

Generally, employers have 90 days from the date of an employee’s workers’ comp claim to investigate and then accept or deny the claim. And it’s critical not to miss the deadline because if you do, there will be a presumption that the injury is covered by workers’ comp. But suppose a worker who hasn’t filed […]

E-Alerts: Family and Medical Leave: No Leave Time for Mother Whose Son Was Abused by Caregiver

Stacey Detels, a claims representative for Farmers Insurance Exchange, took several weeks off of work after learning her toddler son’s caregiver may have been physically abusing him. Detels took her son to two health care providers to evaluate him, but the providers found no need for any treatment. Detels claimed that when she returned to […]

Family And Medical Leave: Employer Dodges $118,000 Verdict In Dispute Over Time Off For The Flu; Tips For Handling Minor Illnesses

When the U.S. Department of Labor issued an opinion two years ago suggesting that absences due to the common cold or flu could sometimes qualify as family leave, it was greeted with consternation by many employers. Now, in a new decision, a California appellate court has overturned a $118,000 verdict in favor of a worker […]

Family And Medical Leave: The Top 8 Mistakes Employers Make

Figuring out how to administer family and medical leave can be tough. And one misstep-even if it seems minor-can lead to a lawsuit. Since the federal family leave law went into effect five years ago, the U.S. Department of Labor has processed thousands of employee complaints. Based on those charges, the department has pinpointed the […]

Family Leave: Absences Due To Colds And Flu May Be Covered; 3-Point Leave Compliance Checklist

When employees call in sick and say they’ll be out for a few days with a cold, you may not give it much thought. But you probably need to pay more attention-especially if absenteeism is a problem in your organization-because a recent U.S. Department of Labor opinion suggests that workers’ time off could qualify as […]