Tag: leave


8 Ways to Improve Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity can benefit the employer in many ways. Having a diverse group of employees helps to ensure that there will be a wide spectrum of ideas, backgrounds, and skill sets that can help the organization to have more innovative ideas and less likelihood of tunnel vision that comes from not having enough differing perspectives.


Targeting FMLA Fraud and Abuse: What is Fraud?

One of the biggest Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) frustrations for employers is what to do with an employee who appears to be abusing the law’s protections or, even worse, fraudulently using approved leave for non-FMLA purposes.

4 Ways to Advance the Mentoring Mind-Set

Yesterday’s Leadership Daily Advisor explored modern mentoring—including some of the new and improved leadership methods that are making the trend a successful part of everyday corporate life for mentors and mentees alike. Today we outline four ways to help assess and advance mentoring advocacy at your firm.

Delicately Handling Bereavement Leave

When an employee is dealing with a death in the family or of someone else in his or her personal life, it can be an especially difficult time. The last thing the employee might want to deal with is hassles at work over the need to take time off. It’s an opportunity for an employer […]

It’s Not About You

Fifteen years ago, country singer Toby Keith had a number one hit with his song “I Wanna Talk About Me.” The chorus of the song goes like this: