Tag: Los Angeles

Q&A on Creating and Administrating a PTO Policy

Do you use a paid time off (PTO) policy in lieu of separate vacation, sick leave, and other leave of absence policies? Doing so can have a lot of benefits, such as increased employee satisfaction and ease in administration. That said, it also comes with challenges. For example, must all accrued PTO be paid out […]

PTO and Vacation: What’s the Difference?

Creating a PTO policy may not be as straightforward as employers would like it to be. After all, it’s not just a simple name change. What an employer calls their employees’ time off and how it is treated is important because it will affect the legal obligations attached to it. Each state has its own […]

Avoid Gender Discrimination when Implementing Dress Codes

Employers may implement whatever dress guidelines they feel are appropriate, as long as they do not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, disability, or any other federally protected status. Nonetheless, it may be best to avoid imposing rigid or highly restrictive dress requirements. Overly restrictive requirements may create resentment among employees and negatively […]

Best Practices for Dress Code Policies

Despite the fact that there are no federal laws outlining what employer dress code policies can and cannot do, there are still plenty of ways dress codes can get employers in legal trouble. Legal challenges to dress codes are often based on allegations of gender bias, religious bias, race/national origin bias, or disability bias. To […]

Handy Checklist—Avoid Wellness Program Lawsuits

Jones, who is a partner at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP in Los Angeles, offered his wellness guidance at a recent Benefits Bootcamp sponsored by BLR® and HR Hero®. Lawsuit Avoidance Checklist for Your Wellness Program Keep corporate wellness and employment decisions separate. Achievement on a health program shouldn’t be a basis for promotion, for […]

Wellness? Sure, But Beware of Legal Pitfalls

Jones, who is a partner at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP in Los Angeles, offered his wellness guidance at a recent Benefits Bootcamp sponsored by BLR® and HR Hero®. Generally, wellness programs are healthcare options that employers offer to employees to reduce preventable illnesses. They offer obvious benefits to the employee—better health—and benefits to the […]

If California employer loses employee payroll records, what happens?

What happens if an employer loses their payroll records or other basic employee records in California? Basic records include things like payroll records, employee benefit plans, trusts, collective bargaining agreements, incentive plans, employee contracts, all employee notices, etc. Many laws require maintenance of these basic records. But how long must they be kept? And what […]

What should be included in payroll records in California?

Payroll records are records that show the compensation information for all your employees. The California Employment Development Department (EDD) requires that records must provide a true and accurate account of all workers employed, no longer employed, on a leave of absence, and independent contractors.

Q&A on Travel Pay in California

Travel pay for non-exempt employees can become complicated in a hurry, especially with California’s employee-friendly wage and hour laws imposing additional burdens on employers beyond the federal travel pay requirements. In a recent CER webinar titled “Travel Pay in California: What and When to Pay Employees on the Move,” Robert J. Wenbourne outlined the differences […]