Tag: managers

Candidates Look at your Social Media Too

In yesterday’s Advisor we looked at how employers handle candidate’s social media presence. Today, we’ll look at some other considerations, as well as some tips on how to screen with social media.

Good managers listen more than they speak

by Dan Oswald A well-known cellular network’s ad once asked, “Can you hear me now?” The famous line is one we all seem to ask. We wonder if anyone is listening. We’re talking, but does anyone hear us? We all want to be heard. We have ideas, thoughts, and comments, and we know they’re good. […]

The Slippery Slope into Unethical Activity

Have you ever wondered how some companies can end up in the news for shockingly poor decisions—ones that are often illegal and/or unethical? It always makes one wonder: how did that even start? Does it mean there was just a “bad apple” that ended up taking down the organization with their choices? Or is it […]


Don’t let an unhappy employee bring down your workforce

by Dan Oswald We’ve all heard the quote, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I’m a firm believer in this. Life’s too short to toil away in a job you hate. So, I’ve always encouraged my kids to pursue their passions and then figure […]

Hire Someone, Anyone, Fast

Yesterday’s Advisor began to explore the dangers of rushing a hire. Today we’ll hear more on that topic.

Keep Employees with Stay Interviews

Yesterday we learned about how to use stay interviews to keep employees from leaving. Today we present more on that topic, including how to make change with feedback and to allow changes to permeate your corporate culture.

Case Management Solutions

Yesterday we began to talk with Andrea Couto, senior director, Solutions Consulting at PeopleDoc about the results of our Case Management Survey: How Organizations Deal with Employee Complaints, Questions, and Requests, which was sponsored by PeopleDoc. Today, we give you the conclusion of that discussion.

Problems with Performance Appraisals

Were you surprised at the title to this article? Performance appraisals are usually discussed with an eye toward all of their various benefits, like improved productivity, keeping employees focused on goals, and aligning employees with the organizational vision. Indeed, there are arguments on both sides of this issue, and clearly both advantages and drawbacks abound. […]