Tag: managers


FAQs—’Frequent Mistakes’ Training Sessions

One of the most frustrating things for managers in any organization is having to answer the same questions or respond to the same mistakes repeatedly. Most managers are tolerant of an honest mistake but expect the offending party to learn from it and not repeat it.


Hiring for Strengths: Why a Person-First Approach Puts Businesses Ahead

For the past few years, team member engagement has started to become one of the most telling statistics about a company. While it looks different in each organization and the definition might change per team leader, there is no debate about the importance of it in the ever-changing modern workplace.


Before We Bring Them Back, Are They Worth Rehiring?

The term “boomerang employee” refers to a worker who has left your company only to be rehired sometime later. We’ve discussed the pros and cons of bringing back boomerang employees in the past, but as employers seek to rehire laid-off or furloughed workers, it’s time we look at new research to solve the question once […]


Encouraging Better Listening from Managers

In most professional environments, our bosses are generally a far cry from the stereotypical bully bosses caricatured in movies and TV shows. While there are certainly exceptions, it’s generally safe to expect them to be supportive advocates rather than adversaries.


Updates When There Are No Updates

Most teams have some kind of standing, recurring meeting to touch base with staff and provide updates. These meetings are great venues for group managers to pass along information from the top of the company down.