Tag: MBA

What Can Be Deducted From Employee Wages?

Making wage deductions isn’t always as simple as it may seem. The problem lies in whether a particular deduction is legally allowed for a particular employee. In short, allowable pay deductions are highly case-specific. That is, a deduction that is allowed for one person may not be allowed for another, even in the same company. […]

Understanding an Employee’s Right to Discuss Labor Practices

Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), employees have the right to work together to ensure good working conditions. This statement is true regardless of whether there is an employee union in the workplace. This right includes the right to engage in what is called “concerted activity.” In short, concerted activity is any activity undertaken […]

Does Every Business Need a Succession Plan?

Succession planning refers to the idea that the ability to fill key roles in an organization should not be left to chance—the succession should be planned in advance. From the CEO on down, a business should be prepared in advance with a plan of who might fill each key role when the time comes.

Understanding FMLA Basics

Is your organization subject to the requirements of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? Do all of your employees qualify? What would it take for both your organization and your employees to qualify? And what does all of this mean in terms of employer obligations?

Workers’ Comp Basics

Workers’ compensation laws have come about as a way to establish a means of compensation for injured employees while simultaneously reducing the amount of litigation against employers when employees are injured on the job. The workers’ compensation laws are administered on the state level, and the federal government has its own separate program. Workers’ compensation […]

A Sophisticated Merit Increase Grid

Yesterday’s CED featured advice on variable performance pay from consultant Teri Morning, MBA, MS, SPHR, SPHR-CA. Today, her salary increase grid—which is a little more complex than most.

Why the Trend Toward Variable Performance Pay?

“Employers want to end the entitlement mentality of across-the-board increases and move to a pay-for-performance mentality,” says consultant Teri Morning, MBA, MS, SPHR, SPHR-CA. “Organizations are looking for less expensive, less permanent solutions, such as lump sum payments, bonuses, or just paying top performers,” she adds. Increasingly, employers are less averse to withholding merit increases […]

Pros and Cons of a BYOD Policy

Bring Your Own Device. These are words that are becoming more and more common for employers these days. They’ve even spawned their own acronym: BYOD. In general, BYOD is a policy in which an employer is allowing or even requiring employees to use their previously personal electronics for work use.

Whole-Person Management Training

[To briefly recap yesterday’s issue: Dr. Martin advises managers to learn how to see employees as whole people by seeing their input and not just their output, and by acknowledging that everyone is multidimensional. Today, he offers more ways to manage the whole employee.] Look at the Big Picture, Not Just the Day-To-Day Details The […]

Do You Train Managers to Manage the Whole Person?

The term “human resources management” is essential in business. But have you noticed that the majority of the literature about the topic focuses on the “resources” and the “management” aspects but barely addresses the “human” element? As a result, most managers see their employees as resources to be managed, and not as a whole person […]